Bobo, we know you're loying

29  2017-06-01 by [deleted]



someone else here said it best, hes not smart enough to come up with this shit on his own...his mother, or some shitty uncle, probably put him up to the twitter begging.

the shredding of bills is on par for a "Bobo thing to do"

the shredding of bills is on par for a "Bobo thing to do"

Is it? Now I'm starting to question that. Why does Bobo have a shredder. Who the hell is going to read their families important documents when they can't even pay rent.

you bring up a good point.

It's gotta be his sister.. she used his twitter account to beg for money to go traveling a while back..., and if you look at his tweets, one minute they look like a retard wrote them, the next they are perfectly written, spelling punctuation etc

I don't know anything about this situation but this is what I'm choosing to believe. It all would make perfect sense.

Jimmy Norton,taught him everything he needed to fleece the rubes.

He shouldnt have gotten Bailey Jay to be his announcer. I've never seen someone more uncomfortable on camera. That's one mistake.

Wrong thread shitdick

wrong thread, guy

I also want to point out you got the wrong thread.

I'm crakcing up at all of these. Sorry. I guess its too late to post this in the other thread

Don't listen to them, keep talking about the tranny.

yeah because that was the downfall of his show

I think you're in the wrong thread here, fella.

You're posting in response to a topic that isn't at this time being discussed in this specific thread.

He shouldnt have gotten Bailey Jay to be his announcer. I've never seen someone more uncomfortable on camera. That's one mistake.

HAHHA sorry shit

You're expecting Bobo to know how to use a scanner.

He could go to Kinkos and fax us a copy.

Perhaps his sister could do it. Then she could photocopy a picture of that phat ass for us all as well.

Nigga it's not 1992

Do you think he could take a clear picture with his prepaid phone and ghetto off brand pad?

he could take a pic of it just fine

Is this like the 5th attempt at a "fund me" campaign for 2017? Fuckin mooch. Get a job you water head.

bobo needs to come out as trans to get those real justice bux

This whole anti-Bobo campaign is unfair.

The lovable mong needs his Mets tickets. Every time he eats out he needs 2 double Whoppers and a large strawberry shake. He also needs travelling money. And if there's anything left, he could always use a new 3rd rate tablet.

After that, his mother has medical bills. His sister could cover all of those with 4-5 privately arranged meetings though.

Well. I'm convinced, where's my wallet.

it was over here by me for some reason

Is there somewhere we can report fraud ........ it can't be legal to make up an injury and ask for money


you bring up a good point.