I hate women

25  2017-06-01 by [deleted]



She's a blonde this week?

Sweet Jesus. Yecch.

Somebody needs to reply to every single tweet of her's with this.

Ive honestly never heard of her

She's a delight

Christ. Were they dating at the time this was recorded?

What the fuck is wrong with Anthony that he treats someone he's dating like that? She's not much better, but christ.

It was clearly the end of the long relationship. He was drunk, she was on pills, they both were on camera...

Ah, yes. One of the Tricaster virtual studios. The mark of the true hack.

Is she trying to be a comedian now? It's likes everyone and their cunt mothers are comedians now because they get likes on Twitter for their hack observations.

It's twittEr huma - pithy quips in 140 or less to get the blue checkmark's seal of approval for your original anti-Drumpf stance.

Twitter has turned into a cancer ward following the election.

I can't stand how everyone thinks they have interesting political ideas now.

I work in software and I know at least 5 accounts I used to follow regularly who only talked about programming and now 90% of their tweets are still about Trump.

He's so great at real estate he's been living rent free in their heads since June of 2015.

This is about 10X more clever than anything on T_D.

I work in software too.

One of my coworkers was clearly pro-Trump.

My boss was INSANELY anti-Trump; he'd literally spend 20 minutes of every goddamn meeting regurgitating whatever nonsense he read on HuffPo that morning, while all of us squirmed in our seats.

I never said anything about my political affiliations in front of him, but me and my coworker enjoyed discussing politics because we were on the same team. My coworker warned me to keep my opinions to myself though, and I agreed.

A couple of months later I was let go, and I've definitely wondered if my boss laid me off simply for supporting Trump.

Your description of it being "cancerous" is so correct. I could completely understand if my boss let me go because I spent hours and hours everyday obsessing about politics, to the detriment of getting actual work done. But no, that was what HE did; my coworkers and I were the productive ones.

Did you look into a wrongful termination suit?

nah, I got another job that pays $15,000 more

But it was still irritating. They made me do the whole "walk of shame" with my box o' stuff from my desk.

I've been laid off plenty of times, hell I've been laid off twice this year. But that's the only one that really left a 'bad taste in my mouth.'

maybe you got fired for writing numbered list backwards like a goddamn weirdo

Doctor: Ray, can we try something?

Raymond: Yeah.

Doctor: Do you know how much 312 x 123 is?

Raymond: [saying digit after digit] 3-8-3-7-6.

Doctor: [amazed] He's right.

Charlie: What?

Doctor: He's right!

Charlie: He's right?

Doctor: Yeah.

[the calculator shows 38376]

Doctor: Ray... How much is 4343 x 1234?

Raymond: [saying digit after digit] 5-3-5-9-2-6-2

Charlie: He's a genius...

Doctor: Right.

Charlie: He's a genius!

Doctor: Ray! Do you know how much a square root of 2130 is?

Raymond: 4-6 point 1-5-1-9-2-3-0-4.

[the calculator shows 46.15192304]

Raymond: 2-3-0-4.

Charlie: That's amazing! He is amazing! He should work for NASA or something like that.

Doctor: [walking to Raymond] If you had a dollar... and you spent 50 cents, how much money would you have left?

Raymond: About 70...

Doctor: 70 cents?

Raymond: 70 cents.

clean out your fucking desk

I don't get it. At first I thought it might be a scene from "everybody Loves Raymond". Then I thought it might be a pretty cool joke. Now I don't know what the fuck it is.


It's a scene from Rainman

OK. Thank you.

I've been laid off plenty of times, hell I've been laid off twice this year.

Nah, but this time it was definitely your political leanings. You probably write garbage code.


Yeah you and Anthony Cumia were fired for being Trump supporters. You are so full of shit.

I have no idea what happened.

I can only speculate.

When you're laid off, they literally walk you out the door on a moment's notice. I signed a piece of paper that guaranteed me that they'd give me a severance and I wouldn't sue them, and that was that. I was gone in under fifteen minutes.

How was the severance? Good enough that you didn't have to think twice about getting paid to get the fuck away from all those qweebs?

I hate to get all Marxist, but one of the things that's stupid about the tech field is that the less you need the severance, the bigger the severance is.

I didn't get seven figures, but my first severance paid for the downpayment on a house.

It would be a lot more equitable if the young dudes got nice severances, but they don't :(

It sounds like your boss did you a huge favor since he got you out of that cesspool.

I work with women, and I can confirm that this is a technique women use to make their minor complaints appear more valid. if they just say "He was annoying" or "We didn't really get along" that 's a trivial, immature complaint. But if they say "I was uncomfortable" or "I felt threatened" suddenly we all have to take it seriously. And it's completely subjective so you can never prove they're lying.

It's fucking insidious.

I literally won't talk to them.

There's just too much risk.

Someone says you looked at them sideways and your entire career is over.

How would he prove that exactly?

Look at his reply. They had internal memos concerning the company's political stance. That mixed with political sermons in front of all staff. Which could be backed up by other sources. Clearly I don't have the entire scenario. And it was just a question.


Yeah it just seems to be A Thing when you work in tech in California.

It sucks.

Anyone that's slightly left of center is considered a Nazi, and we just keep our mouths shut and we hope that we don't get axed for being slightly conservative.

Maybe because it's full of the highest functioning autists in the country. Even then, I work in the (((media))) in the Southern US, and it's exactly the same way. It's Bush all over again x10. Yet in their next breath, they brag about the market and how well their portfolio is doing this year. All with no mention of how it's gone through the roof since November...

Your boss was probably upset about trump restricting H1B visas

Fuck animals

Suuuure. heh heh

Hunters are fucking faggots.

Hows hunting season going for you?

LOL ohhh I get it!

I disagree. People who hunt animals whose numbers are abundant and who repopulate very fast as a survival mechanism are very useful as if they didn't hunt deer/rabbits/wild hogs, they would become a true plague.

However, people who hunt big, wild game like that are total faggots.

I mean it's the difference between being a useful faggot and an evil faggot. I've never met a hunter who wasn't a fucking retarded redneck on some level.

Yeah but those people do a lot of good things. They go to work, raise their kids, pay taxes, and call the Opie and Anthony Show.

"I got my container of coffee, my lunchpail of Onnit, and my recurve bow, I got no complaints."

  • Average Joe Rogan

AHHHH WHAT THE HELL DO I KNOW get my buttered roll with no hydrogenated oils I got my isolation tank I got to stop doing the voice before it turns into Bobby Kelly DUUUUUDE

"ya know what DEEEEEEUD ya gotcha cup of onnit, ya gotcha isolation tank, and boom your puttin in another day of complimenting people to their face then talking shit about them in interviews later"

"You know what, duuuuuuude, you gotcha cup of onnit, got your isolation tank, don't gotcha your dog because your wife made you get rid of it, you leave your own podcast early, duuuuuuude" - Regular Joe Kelly Burr

When you have no testosterone

Nignogs cut their legs off for dick potions, but whitey legally hunting controlled populations is the problem.

This is what White genocide looks like.

I would fuck Melissa in the ass 'til she smiles.

Even after Ant's black dick has been in her?

Every man hates women. Once we figure out how to make truly great robotic replicas that breed test tube male babies, the great war will start and we'll wipe them all out.

That's the plot of "Alien Covenant"

Let me guess. It didn't work out? Because we "need" women in some way?


The woman in the movie died an unspeakably horrible death at the hands of a robot.

Oh shit, well then I'll watch it.


Man that hurts so good.

Melissa is right on this one. I like Trump but I hate his awful kids for killing that leopard. They're just two shitty rich kids.

No, it's a false equivalence.

I dont care. I like animals more than rich brat sons

Then make that argument instead of a false equivocation that only appeals to retards.

It is a false equivalence.. one pic is a real dead animal and the other is a doll head covered in fake blood.

A dolls head which represents an 11 year olds dad. Is the left now trying to pretend that trump wasn't talking specifically about his 11 year old autistic son? Also fuck that leopard. If the conservation officers sold it off to be hunted then it was because it was getting old and turning into a faggot towards the other animals in the park.

A doll head didn't die.. a leopard did. In one picture you have a death. In the other you have a doll.

Why don't you suck a leopards dick?

They are violent animals. That wouldn't go well at all you gigantic retard. Come up with a good idea.

Keep digging faggot.

What kind of idiot parent is letting their autistic (or not) kid look at twitter?

Apparently, he saw it on TV not twitter.

A dolls head which represents an 11 year olds dad

lol, never thought I'd see a "somebody think of the children" comment about a shitty joke on this sub.

I'm not outraged, his argument is simply stupid.

Your post comes across like you are upset that a celebrity could've hurt the feelings of an 11 year old autistic boy.

I agree the pictures fucked up, and I don't give a shit about that big cat.

Not to mention that it's perfectly valid for your adult children to be disturbed with how normalized it's become for celebrities to play with the notion of murdering their dad as if it would be a heroic move.

"You want to change the nature of justice in America and you kill a president? What did you think that made you? Two-fisted Super-Jesus for the American Way? It made you Lee Harvey Oswald, you prick. You know what? Lots of people hated John F. Kennedy. He barely got elected. But Lee Harvey Oswald isn't remembered as an American hero. Just a prick with a gun who killed the president."

It's only a joke you SJW faggot

Everyone I don't like is an SJW.

No, she actually believes that's a coherent argument.

It's ok lil snowflake

Stop projecting.

This entire post is you projecting...

Oh the irony.

I agree, it is ironic

Glad we can agree on something.

Exactly, one is a picture where nothing was killed.

You the fuck are you ricky gervias?

I heard she had a relationship with a terrorist.

She's a useless dope.

Hunting environmental pests like deer, wild boar and wild rabbits and eating them is fine. Foxes too (don't eat them though, they taste like shit.)

These 2 preppies and their ilk, killing beautiful endangered animals like leopards with a high-powered rifle in a fenced-in reserve after some African local has done all the hard work of stalking, cornering the beast and lining up the shot - yeah, they're fucking weak cunts.

A lot of those animals wouldn't be as nearly protected as they are if there were no economic incentive to keep their numbers stable. Countries where governments have not created legal hunting avenues to create revenue and treat wildlife as a renewable resource have fallen victim to poaching.

You're preaching to the choir, bro-heem. I was part of a boar hunting party a couple of months ago. I took the loin and the wife made a delicious ragu from it. Great with tagliatelle.

Great stuff, man. Just out of curiosity, where was the hunt? In the states or somewhere in Europe. My only point is that the hunting industry in Africa seems to be the only real mechanism keeping those last populations of animals from not going extinct.

Limey but the hunt was in the Czech Republic.

Hunting environmental pests like deer, wild boar and wild rabbits and eating them is fine.

I've wanted to eat the shit out of boar ever since season 1 of Lost.

I wouldn't use a knife though. I'd blow its dumb Schumer head off with a shotgun.

That's pretty goddamn funny.

Faux outrage sucks, but these fake hunting parties for loser americans in africa sucks just as much.

who are gold diggers and fuck their way to get twitter followers so they can get twitter fame and fuck less ugly rich dudes and do coke at david spade's house.

This is funny though

Oooh, she's transitioned to her professional chic fashion phase. Time to really get serious about my shitty writing and be independent.

I don't see what's wrong with what she said.

He's so great at real estate he's been living rent free in their heads since June of 2015.

Then make that argument instead of a false equivocation that only appeals to retards.

I work in software too.

One of my coworkers was clearly pro-Trump.

My boss was INSANELY anti-Trump; he'd literally spend 20 minutes of every goddamn meeting regurgitating whatever nonsense he read on HuffPo that morning, while all of us squirmed in our seats.

I never said anything about my political affiliations in front of him, but me and my coworker enjoyed discussing politics because we were on the same team. My coworker warned me to keep my opinions to myself though, and I agreed.

A couple of months later I was let go, and I've definitely wondered if my boss laid me off simply for supporting Trump.

Your description of it being "cancerous" is so correct. I could completely understand if my boss let me go because I spent hours and hours everyday obsessing about politics, to the detriment of getting actual work done. But no, that was what HE did; my coworkers and I were the productive ones.

maybe you got fired for writing numbered list backwards like a goddamn weirdo

I've been laid off plenty of times, hell I've been laid off twice this year.

Nah, but this time it was definitely your political leanings. You probably write garbage code.

Yeah you and Anthony Cumia were fired for being Trump supporters. You are so full of shit.

It sounds like your boss did you a huge favor since he got you out of that cesspool.

I work with women, and I can confirm that this is a technique women use to make their minor complaints appear more valid. if they just say "He was annoying" or "We didn't really get along" that 's a trivial, immature complaint. But if they say "I was uncomfortable" or "I felt threatened" suddenly we all have to take it seriously. And it's completely subjective so you can never prove they're lying.

It's fucking insidious.