Homeless bobo and family is going to be so much fun

24  2017-06-01 by Dennyislife


Oh, so he just wants the hands on experience for that Tippy Tom biopic he's been planning.

He probably meant conviction for trying to pull insurance scam

What's going to happen to Mr Maloonigans!?

He'll be needed to fight off the giant rats as they sleep in an alley.

Plus they can eventually eat the dog like Shackleton's crew stuck in Antarcia.

They've got enough rations to last another 3 weeks at the most. I think Mr. Maloonigans fate is sealed.

I love dogs, but euthanized hopefully. You know, for da, for da shooooowww.

i hope the met tickets are okay

Fucking Bobo should have shredded it before his mom saw it.

They're in debt because Bobo kept shredding each bill in the mail and letters from lawyers.

How much is a 2nd hand paper shredder? And what kind of business are they running that they require a shredder?

i love how he is tweeting that he is shredding bills and notices without his mother seeing them or knowing of their existance....proves his extended family doesnt pay him any mind.

what a retard.

Ask for a show on a network to earn extra money. Exactly how grown ups deal with adversity.


3 people with jobs, two are saving half their income, a mom had a job for decades and within a month they're getting eviction notices? Hmm.

Just a little scam awlrooight

He learned it from jim. You can't really blame the tard

Can't wait for Bobo's indiegogo.

That's no shit. He watched Jimmy collect sixty grand and being a fucking water head himself he figured if that many O&A fans fell for a Jennifer Carmody written Chip cartoon why the fuck not get in on a scam too, awwlriiiite. You're spot on, sir.

And I don't think you get evicted that fast anyway. NYC has the best tenant rights in the country. They can drag it out for months.

What can we do to get that law changed as soon as possible?

run into city hall with a jacket that looks like a bomb

Sounds like a job for Antwan Kumiyah.

Tell him he'll get a bunch of virgins that look like young boys.

Years. Especially if it's a family.

All she has to do is go to housing court and show the documentation that states her adult son with mental and physical disabilities lives with her. That will get them more gov aid, and either stop the process, or delay it significantly.

She should be on short term disability already, if shes not, then shes as retarded as her son.

Somebody would "gwueoogle" the water head and find the Patrice watches Bobo up/down game video and like Opie's much desired viral video would be spread across the welfare universe like a sun flare and the his scam would be over.

they know that and probably already do. I dont think for 1 second any of that money goes to his mother. 100% of that shit goes to mets merch and other crap.

That's absolutely the case. Everything about his story seemed fishy up to now, but this is blatant.

The main thing is why is she paying hospital bills? She can either tell them "Sorry, I can't pay right now" or see if there's a reduction they can do, or sometimes charities work with hospitals.

In the mean time she has two incomes plus Bobo probably gets disability. And she can go on disability more than likely. Then cut bills to bare essentials of rent, electric and food. They probably have four TV's with cable, three cell phones and internet they can do without until they get back to normal. Plus fucking Mets tickets I know he's not getting all of those given to him like he's acting like.

Yeah, the medical bills issue doesn't add up at all either. I'm pretty liberal on health care and the welfare safety net, but I can acknowledge that these sort of horror stories typically aren't genuine. Federally, there's Medicaid, SSI disability and a host of other protections. And NYS and NYC offer additional entitlements and programs for people in need. If anything, middle income earners in NYC are more vulnerable than the provably destitute.

I also don't believe that Bobo cooked this up himself, but maybe I'm blinded because I'm such a big Bobo fan.

He also tweeted "my mom has a lawyer." So she can afford that and not rent?

Her lawyer is probably an Irish Traveller con artist.

I also don't believe that Bobo cooked this up himself, but maybe I'm blinded because I'm such a big Bobo fan.

He isn't smart enough to do it. But dumb enough to be unable to keep his story straight.

I'm sure the injury is real. But the mom is thinking "these people who laugh at my son's mutilated penis owe me this!"

Then "Shit, nobody is falling for it. Bobo, tell them we're being evicted."

Yeah, either his mother or some scumbag uncle must be behind it.

As much as I despise Bobo, I don't think he's running a scam. He's greedy and stupid but lacks the moral depravity to prey on the sympathy of a large group of people (he specializes more in pestering famous radio hosts on an individual basis).

But I'll never give him a dime and I would discourage anyone from doing so mostly because he can't coherently explain what the money is for. It's a basic rule of life that you shouldn't give to charity if you don't understand what the godamn problem is in the first place. "My mom has bills awright" is not enough godamn information you hairy autist.

And yeah you're probably right. His family is probably putting him up to this.

Yeah, he probably truly believes this is real.

And they still have the time, money, and health to both attend Ant's swimming party.

The mom went?

Yep, check out the quick Gavin clip.

I'll pelt a quarter at his stupid head when I see him on the street.

He'd probably eat it.

He's so obviously lying. It's all part of his crowd funding scam.

Was it because he is still fucking his brother on the DL?

He kept throwing up in my car.

Before, during or after he sucked you off?

The only thing resembling a funny line Sam ever had:

Kurtlove changed his last name to sbobo.

It sounded like Kurt loves real name is Jeff from that voicemail. Hello Jeff it's me, you damn well damn well I'm not dead. I'm gonna have a word wit thum

Jeff Hollander.

Show some respect, spade. Was an all-timer

I hope and pray that the Sous Chef who co-hosts Opie's Food Court is homeless before Bobo.

The Sous Chef is down to his last failing business and instead of trying to save it, he works for Opie for free. So hopefully he's dead or homeless before Bobo & co are evicted.

How do his constantly exposed buck teeth not get any hate here?

There's so much more to hate about him than his Nelson Muntz mouth.

Homeless with Mets tickets.

A paper shredder and a tablet

Ants going to let them move into the compound, just as long bobos sister becomes a sex slave

It's a fair deal for those tits.

You're not wrong, but he never removes his tighty-whiteys, so the entire visual is a bit unsettling.

She's too old for Anthony now. Unless he makes her pleasure his crew of losers. Big A and Fred from Brooklyn tag teaming her while Anthony jerks it and watches.

She needs to step up for her family.

Just have your sister sell her pussy already.

That cover two months at least.

Im shocked he hasnt called into Opie Radio to beg there...then again, he probably is, and Opie isnt having any of it.

Cant believe i am gonna say this, but good job Opie.

The Opester only offers loans with interest according to Vos.

I'll pay $100 to get my dick sucked by either of the Kurlan children. The ball is in your court, Bobo.

That's a very kind of offer considering he only has one sibling.

I was including Daniel.

Isn't there a brother who made sweet love to Bobo as a wee lad?

Yes his older half brother on the dad's side who would be Bobo's agent when he breaks big.

Youre over paying, ESD jerked him off for free.

He was paid in attention, which is worth more than gold to that fishmouthed imbecile.

Hobo Bobo?

Ive seen people in brutal car wrecks heal faster than his mother.

It's almost as if the Kurlans are of shitty genetic stock.

Don't worry bobo, your sister can live with me.

ugh, I just hate this fucking nitwit.

Give the man a job at Deep Discount. He can polish discs.

It's been 2 1/2 months... He's already raised $4500... And they aren't paying their rent? Yeah... right...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXEf3blWikA Someone in the extended Kurland family has money.

Nice spread!

Jimmy needs to dip into that 60k slush fund of his and help out an old friend.

It's time to sell your ass Bobo! I hear there is a huge market for retard sex.

God I hate Bobo

He's being super serial, can't take light hearted jokes about his mom being evicted, so sensitive!

Blocked the idiots that made fun of an eviction not a great place 2 be & if you make fun of mom well you're definitely blocked any questions


Just wondering does bobo or his sister work or do they rely on their mom for everything? Where is the dad?

Bobos dad is dead. Bobo has retard job hours and his sister is a waitress so hardly well off.

Just wanted to see if they at least are helping. Three incomes and they can't figure it out seems like there is more to the story.

Doesn't he sell weed at UPS?

His sister could easily be a stripper, but at that point she'd probably need all the extra loot for her brand new cocaine hobby.

annnnd they're back to square one....

"I need my fans to help out again, sis has a problem with the nose candy awlrooight"

This tard is relentless... bag some groceries bobo. Stop acting like a welfare leech.

He can work in a supermarket as long as he doesn't take anything out of the courtesy counter's till.

Maybe it's time for his sister to start turning tricks, while Bobo does the up-down game on a corner for some extra cash.

He can take a tip from Lady Di and work the door at Burger King. At the very least, he can get some bleach marinated Double Whoppers at the end of the day for him and his family to munch on!

oh christ, can you imagine him in a job interview?

The shredded bills is bullshit too. It looks like shipping material. Who prints bills and legal documents on brown paper?

Someone who's trying to work a scam on people he thinks are as retarded as he is.

wait, hes not publicly begging to Colin for help?

I hope not, Colin is a saint who would probably "help" this twat

Stupid Corky blocked me.

Donate Bobo to science.

I read that in cq''s voice for some reason.

I wonder who's feeding these lines to bobo.

I'm not sure he's maliciously doing this but I'm sure if his mother or sister said something that he'd believe it and tweet it.

There's no way that she has a job that long and didn't have insurance to pay for the hospital bills.

his mom should have had insurance. dumb biiiitttcchhhhh

Can't wait for Bobo's indiegogo.

That's no shit. He watched Jimmy collect sixty grand and being a fucking water head himself he figured if that many O&A fans fell for a Jennifer Carmody written Chip cartoon why the fuck not get in on a scam too, awwlriiiite. You're spot on, sir.

I read that in cq''s voice for some reason.