Seen on Facebook. Is this Cumia's new advertising campaign?

7  2017-06-01 by Wolosocu


Looks strikingly similar to Cumia's "Live from the Compound" logo:

And he's tried to say he wasn't racist before. This is edgy teenager shit, how was he not embarrassed by that?

You're talking about a man who wore video game company t shirts well into his 40s and 50s.

Available in XL, XXL, XXXL, and E-Rock

Its the bottom half of the ICP clown hatchet logo

It was bobo trying to draw a 4

That's an antisemetic 4

An antisemetic 4? So we're talking about Anthony now?


Someone get Sara Silverman on the case.

Literally shaking.

What libtards fail to realize is that kids and teens love doing swastikas just to be edgy and "offensive". They don't actually subscribe to (or many times probably don't even know of) the meaning behind them. This is why you have 12 years olds making them in minecraft all over the place. Because they're 12 year old neo nazis? No, stupid. They're just asshole kids and just think it's shocking and offensive to do, for the lulz.

Yet liberals will caption a photo of a swasitka or "fuck muslims" graffiti with "See? This is what we get with the nation under the Trump administration". Like kids haven't been doing shit since Obama's time and forever before that. Like the edgelord kids that did this even give a shit about politics or voted for anyone.

They just want to be offended so they feel superior. That's literally all it is. I dont know anybody who didnt do stupid shit like this when they were young. You do and say awful things. But everyone has to put on a show, ignoring reality, to boost their ego.

Wasn't it established that those were surveyor markings for the city inspector?

that's a kanji... and we all know those japs supported the nazis