I don't understand the point of college protests like these.

14  2017-06-01 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I'm genuinely not a racist person. I like to make jokes but I actually do want to see racial minorities succeed. And as a Trans person, I want to see the LGBTQ community succeed.

But what is accomplished by trying to force white students to take a day of absence? I was taught that equality meant lifting everybody up. Giving a helping hand to people who were born into a shitty situation. Like, maybe the next Einstein could be some kid born in Chiraq, but with some kind of aid, he or she might reach their potential instead of becoming a criminal or drug dealer.

Im rambling like a retard, but you get my point.


Your dick still swingin?

Yes. Probably will be forever.

Atta girl.

Plus you always have Ant or Jim to fall back on if you get too desperate.

That's actually how god intended it and means you are a man

Then why do I want to have big luscious boobs?

Maybe your just fat

Nah, I'm pretty slim actually.

Nothing about looking like a man is appealing to me. Frankly, you guys are gross. No offense.

Easy, there. You're no different to us, you just call yourself something else.

Isn't that the nature of reality itself? We're all the same objective force taking on the guise of individual beings so that we can experience the subjective beauty of our self?


Yeah that's so deep, dude. We're all, like, the same physical atoms so therefore there's no sex categories in biological species. You're changing the way I look at everything.

The path is showing itself to you.

Once you take your alpha brain, onnit, super male vitality superceuticals and the third hit of DMT, you're fully understand.

If we're all the same why are you actively mutilating yourself to look different than what you are?

Because I'm not sure if any of that faggoty Eastern philosophy is true

It sound to me like all your opinions and important decisions are based on a whole load of bunk, friend.

Probably true. But we're nothing more than life forms cursed with sentience and forced to drift through this vast uncaring abyss.

Then why are you getting fake tits and pretending to be a different life form I just don't understand that leap

Because they feel more right than not having them.

Where do you dispose of your victims?

I can show you, but you have to put this bag over your head during the drive there.


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Dick pics or GTFO.

Male to female or female to male?


Alright perfect. We're gonna need you to infiltrate the cumia compound and report from the inside. I'm sure some psycho here knows which bars he frequents so it shouldn't be too hard to bump into him. After you're in you'll need to get photos of your pekka in his mouth and steal his hard drive and send it to one of our resident computer nerds incase it's encrypted.

God speed tranny soldier

I tried that once.

Any said I wasn't black enough :/

Well he's not a fan of race mixing.

beat it, we already got one of those and he's a great gal named Sue

You're not wrong.

you got some tranny haters downvoting you. I got your back though

now, boipucci pic please

Leave it alone.

I'm genuinely not a racist person.

get out


And the white man is allowing this to happen gleefully. Gimme a whip and some cotton fields and I'd show those rambunctious black folk what a hard days work can do for the soul.

We gave them 50 years. It's time to bring back the dogs and fire hoses to places like this shithole state college.

I was going to make a bro joe joke, but there aren't enough RANDOMLY capitalized words TO justify THAT.


Similarly feminism & female faggotry in general seems to be caused by an inferiority complex towards men. Their idea of empowerment seems to revolve around comparing themselves to & nitpicking everything men do, demanding access to male dominated fields without earning it, poorly emulating stereotypical male behavior, etc.

I'm glad there's 176 genders now so I can place women right at the bottom.

No, feminism is caused by a smelly vagina

Im genuinely racist.

What made you come back? Bored off your alt?

Who is this

You didn't get the memo? "equality" and "diversity" means lets hate straight, white, males. They may not say that's what it means, they may even believe they want true equality and diversity, but they dont. And by "they" I mean liberal white millennial, who are hating on white people more than any other race at the moment. Like how white sjws shut down a burrito stand just because it was owned by 2 white girls. No one hispanic made any outrage about this burrito stand or asked anyone to fight this battle. White sjws take it upon themselves to attack other whites for reasons no one asked for. They really are quite cancerous.

Alright dipaulo

I have no idea what protest you're talking about thankfully, but Im sure it's stupid. Stupid college protests have been going on for half a century though. I would like to give a draft card burning hippie a punch to the face just as badly as a modern sjw protester. You just have to ignore it because its all bullshit

its all bullshit

That you, Opie?

Fawk no brotherman

"I actually do want to see racial minorities succeed. And as a Trans person, I want to see the LGBTQ community succeed."

If you are looking for actual insight from this subreddit and you started out with the above, I think your only option might be suicide.

this sub is actually one of the more welcoming subs to LGBTQ. Its just the (())) and the N-persons we don't like.

Dave Rubin had professor Bret Weinstein on his podcast to discuss the protests going on at Evergreen State College. Pretty interesting first hand account of the situation


Dave Rubin is a dear, dear man.

Oh boy making people take a day off to sit around and watch Netflix and porn. Those minorities sure know how to stick it to whitey. ""Oh no, I have to sleep in today and do nothing! I sure learned my lesson wise black people."

Students were particularly incensed by an email that surfaced on Twitter on May 25 between Professor Bret Weinstein and Rashida Love, the director of First Peoples Multicultural Advising Services. Weinstein, who is white Let me stop you right there, New York Post.

I am also genuinely not a racist person. I don't walk around wishing ill upon Blacks, but view them like Jaguars or any other violent, predatory animal that wants to kill me. Just like with Alligators, I realize it is better that we don't share the same habitat. There should be bars or safety glass between us.

Because liberal arts college campuses are an echo chamber where they sit around and rile eachother up with horror stories about the (gasp!) white heterosexual male. They close themselves off from dissenting opinions and drive themselves deeper and deeper into insanity until they lose touch completely with reality.

Its basically POST-MODERNISM, as Jordan Peterson would describe it. Emotional confusion, backed by hazy information, and misplaced energy.

Our generation suffers from a unique brand of malaise, during a point of access in our lives that has not been seen in ANY generation since. Problems like racism, sexism, bigotry are so complicated; that when you come out on the other side of discerning if someone is any of those things, you wind up finding out that they really aren't (and/or aren't that much), OR YOU may be more of those things than you thought.

When you place that against the amount of access the first world has and the complacency it creates: What you get are idle hands and minds that have nowhere to go, so they start creating subjective realities. Those realties must hold water, otherwise your own uniqueness is in jeopardy of faltering. Yet you're using the same access of information we all have, which runs the risk of creating a template that can be co-opted by anyone plugged in. The saying used to be "The Revolution will not be televised", but it's simply IMPOSSIBLE to censor anyone from covering your actions and/or coming out with a YT vid response over them: The information bubble is too big. And you need the writers/pundits to adapt your ideology anyway, for anyone else to take it seriously, and to instigate a national conversation out in the open.

But the motivation to be angry ALL the time can only simply be about retaining some sort of uniqueness. The same people whinging about the patriarchy ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO WONT BE HAPPY IF IT FALLS, because the fight is over, and their useful relevance is gone. "I don't need to fight anymore? But isn't the patriarchy bad? Weren't women always the victim? What I'm saying doesn't matter anymore? Was the point of me raising a stink in the first place for relevancy? Now I'm no longer relevant? Well, what was I fighting for then?"

Its EXTREME emotional confusion, backed by short-sided info PURPOSELY designed to confuse. Vox, Mic., Vice, Slate etc. are some of the worst offenders with the MOST privilege, and they're making money hand over fist with this method. The people who pay for it are the readers, in more way than one.

Thanks, Professor Faggot. I'll be at /r/squaredcircle jerking off if anybody needs me.

This is the longest post I have ever seen on this sub, I will never read it, but i commend you for your effort.

Get a load of dis guy with the big brain! Whadya gunna sell me an encyclopedia, college boy?

Another student of Joe Rogan Community College.

Aka white women feel bored and emotional and everyone else suffers.

I was taught that equality meant lifting everybody up. Giving a helping hand to people who were born into a shitty situation.

That's charity, or more honestly, just being a human. Equality is what is already here. There are no laws that keep people down. I guess you could argue bathrooms, marriage, benefits, or whatever else, but that shit doesn't really matter and is all getting sorted anyway.

People crying about this current stuff are opportunistic or naive. They think equality is the same as fairness. Then they confuse fairness with vengeance, handicapping, and felling good all the time without merit, hardship, or disagreement. They think being straight white male is magic and makes this happen, or somehow way easier to attain.

The truth is that good and competent people are what they are, in spite of being rich or poor. Your The Man Now Dog and Good Will Hunting don't happen in real life, and if they did, it would be foolish to think you could throw money at a bunch of unwilling dopes and force it.

People who unironically use the term "Chiraq" are egotistical cunts who should be shipped to Iraq for a reality check.

I like saying it cause it makes me feel like a rapper

How about Chicongo?

I call bullshit on the trans thing. Your answers are wishy-washy and you'd have to be really high all the time to believe in your retarded worldview. Tits of GTFO.

Why do you assume I must be high? Can't I just be retarded?

Think of where we are... Thoughts and prayers.

Evergreen State College is a weird hippie school. It's not a normal school. They don't give grades. They don't have rules or structure etc. The problem seems to come from the kids who take gender studies/ African American studies. In those classes they are trained to become activists. Which could be a good thing. The problem is they go to very open and liberal colleges where there is no real sexism or racism. So they have to manufacture it. They just push white people as far as they can until there is any push back, then they try to crush the person who pushed back.

Pecka pics or gtfo. Just kiddin. Check out femradebates if you want a good talk.

Please don't say Chiraq.

The next Einstein is the fucking kid who studies hard and works for it. Old stories of some black kid in the ghetto rising up to become a stock broker were inspiring in the past because they did it without getting coddled by academia. Nowadays they throw tons of money at such students en masse, harvesting crops of average students who are only there because they want to get into the heart of a college campus to complain about racism.

"I can't get a job with my degree in African Literature because of racism! I want to be a surgeon making tons of money, but I can't because those racists won't let me into med school because I don't have the 'right degree' for their school. They're just racist with their large Asian and Indian population!"

Automatic or manual?

I need you to die soon.