6  2017-05-31 by stinksskc


The one in the wheelchair seems to be the leader

Like the X-men, or the kids in those old burger king commercials?

the burger king kids club!

Professor XL

Professor Blechs

They call her Ramrod.

You can tell they're the ones being oppressed because they can physically assault people and face no repercussions.

I think u/coposmash is the one in the chair.

why is that guy tattle tailing on everyone? he also called my work and got me fried

Did that faggot really get you fired??? I saw the posts when that happened.

He's mad he's banned and has no life. I guess informing us Jim & Sam sucks and UFC is gay was the center of his life. Sad!

Why doesn't R2Dindu cover up her piss bag? For extra victim points? Disgusting.


Faawwwk yeah!

that little master-blaster is horrifying...She steps to this guy by moving that machine a few inches closer at a time, really scary stuff.

I don't get why they didn't just turn her around and lock her wheels.

God damn it, what movie or show am I thinking of where the monster or whatever is not moving but WAY closer every time the guy stops and turns around to look? It might have been like a creepy garden gnome or something.

Nickelodeon "Are you afraid of the dark" maybe?

You bet this wouldn't have happened had the Proud Boys been around uhuru

There would have been a lot more anal sex

That's all it would have been.

This is the fatal flaw of the proud boys, they can't accomplish anything because they're too busy fucking each other in the ass.

Best part was @1:59 when the cripple goes "Get the fuck out of here".

That's not a piss bag. That's an orange soda drip IV that goes directly into her blood stream.

grape soda

That's the "mostly all the trannies" retard from the other video at this shithole of a college.

There no graffiti in Barter Town! No write on wall!

its so creepy how the camera pans over and master blaster appears out of nowhere

People need to start hitting back. These freaks are too brave.

i agree

the burger king kids club!

Professor XL

Professor Blechs