In honor of Vigo hitting #100 I slapped this together for him yesterday. CONGRATULATIONS VIGO!

79  2017-05-31 by [deleted]


They were all just so raw yet perfect. Brings a tear to my eye.

Have some gold!

That should have went to Vigo he's the man of the hour.

Hard to do that on a 100 different posts.

Holy shit. You're a faggot.

Hey, you don't say that!

The effort that went into this is both astounding and depressing.

r/opieandanthony, astounding and depressing!

Thank you all for your support. It is nice to bask in the fruits of your labors with friends.

You earned it buddy. ☺

My first gold :)

My first gold :)

Knickers isn't even around to see it... *sniff

Makes me feel bad

Feer bad

where is father Knickers?


See, this is what the summertime is all about. Getting together, maybe grabbin' few beers and having some good-natured laughs with your friends.

you's a real ass nigga

Should've played to the song Graduation by Vitamin C.

Im pretty pissed I cant play this video but Im sure it was great

It doesn't work for you?

Vidme never works for me

Ive hid every one of these with res. Everybody upvote me.

Hey idk if you guys noticed but I ended with

Everybody upvote me.

Im currently at -2 so cmon fellas

hahahaha you faggots make fun of reddit humor but god damn this is x1000 times cringer than all that other gay shit on reddit.

This is a celebration sir, please leave if you have nothing positive to say about what has been achieved here.




You're all faggots. I'm glad you'll all die young of either suicide, drug overdose, or heart disease.

Tell us how you really feel.

It's threads like these that briefly relieve my crippling suicidal depression. Thank you all, /r/opieandanthony, you disgusting faggots

reddit got a nigga all choked up Ta-Day

Celebrate good times come oN!

If you made this yesterday how did you include today's meme in it?

It was made with collaboration from Vigo. I knew the meme 24 hours ahead of time.

you got the inside scoop!

No, he just has about 20 different alts and doesn't do a very good job of hiding it


Why does all this make me want to hang myself?

I'm so happy I'm a woman and that /u/SpaceEdge is the penguin. God bless you, son.

Bravo sockcucka

Lol good job


No affirmative action

Congrats, Vigo. We're all pulling for you. WTF though, I don't merit a fawkin' avatar at the end? Barry not funny enough? Maybe I just have too much of a life and don't post enough. You guys are all jerkoffs and I mean that in the best possible way.

to reiterate - this sub IS the show now. Thanks all you OC niggas. I get more laughs out of this sub a given week than I do any of the comedy shows / chans / etc at this point.

All these moments lost in time like rain

I was not mentioned after giving like 4 years of my life to this sub so I don't give a shit, fuck all of you and you "community."

I only had so many slots. Sorry

well if you had some slots why didn't you hit any jackpots? or something?

I never saw the Diddy Kong one. I laughed

That should have went to Vigo he's the man of the hour.

Holy shit. You're a faggot.

Vidme never works for me

well if you had some slots why didn't you hit any jackpots? or something?
