The Funniest Line in O & A History-VOL. 2

22  2017-05-31 by softBOY68000

The original is archived now, so no new comments.

But I thought it too good a thread to let die such a young death.

(listening to John Sterling shoehorned Yankee home run calls)

STERLING: It's an A-Bomb! From A-Rod!

JIMMY: Y'know who else got a bomb from a rod? The last guy to fuck Robert Reed.


Nothing will ever touch "knock it off spade"

Be respectful to Aaaeellli

Jim Norton called the two headed girl from TLC

"Coat sharin bitches"

It's my favorite insult ever.

My favorite was his impression of the dog. "There's a two headed MONSTER in the house!"

I wish I knew English just once to let you know there's a MONSTER in the house!!!

Ruiner of family photos always makes me chuckle

Someone in studio mentioned rats and Colin said

"Why when we mentioned rats did everybody look at Norton. Probably because he looks like a little pink eyed rat"

They discussed what Bob Kelly's act would include if he were a burn victim, and Anthony said "How are the mozerella sticks? That reminds me, my fingers were burnt off!"

"Outside a toilet store with a mouth full of polliwogs."

"My son found his ding-ding this weekend."

VOS: "What, in Norton's mouth?"

Jocktobering some Cincinnati morning show hosted by a woman named "Fitch":

Fitch: "I can fit my whole fist in my mouth?"

Ant: "How about mine?"

Jimmy never laughed so hard or so long as he did from this line.

Been listening to the recently posted laugh compilations too eh?

Anthony talking about how he was going to go on CNN to talk about private Drone ownership and if a ban should be in place. Colin was in studio. Ant talks about how high they could go, and the issues local governments have with that. Colin -disinterested and in overly New York accent sarcastically- said: "THATS AS HIGH AS A DUCK FLIES, WHADDA THEY GONNA DO? BAN DUCKSSSSSS?!"

From that bit where Anthony was making fun of Mustard's We are the World audio: "Go fight someone for a heating grate."

Enough of Mustard. Bring on Ketchup!

One of the Super Shows where Sandy Kane, Mike Bochetti, Colin, Whoo Kid, Di, Bobo and Stalker Patti were all together in studio. Marion calls in and says "How are you" to Whoo Kid, while people feed Bobo lines:

Bobo: Isn't Marion that girl that said NIGGA?

<everyone laughs>

Di: AAAHH don't start that again please!....One person called me a RACIST.

<Whoo Kid laughs>



Di: <annoyed> NO I didn't get any threatening calls from anybody!

Jim: What happened with Marion?

Di: Well, she works with a lot of black people at work...and y'know; it was not comfortable for her..going to work...


<The whole stood laughs, Jimmy laughs BIG, wheezing and all>

Whoo Kid: There do be mad niggaz in there...


<even bigger laugh from everyone in studio>

Speaking of bobo like the first time when he meet Otto.

Bobo: Hi Otto you were great at the virus tour; saw you on the virus show

Otto: Get this mental patient away from; how did he breach the wall of security. He's gonna kill Harvey Milk or what

Oh you like the show Lost? Are you a big fan? Do you watch every week? Every day? Lost? When it's on every week?

Anthony: You don't wanna get on Roland's bad side. Vos: It'd take me a month to get back on his good side.

Vos is a fucking savant

141 IQ

"Intellectual Quantity".

Otto's line " when he says then she shoved hay in her test and asshole"When they are discussing how the actress who played Auntie Em from the Wizard of Oz died.

Jimmy on woman just giving birth to retard. Dad was none to happy to find out mom was lugging a lemon around for nine months

when theyre playong Get Back by the Beatles and Ant says its his song about Africa

Talking about O.J. when Nick Dip called him a murdering shine

Bobo: I had a friend who tried to kill himself and I stopped him

Jim: What? Did you hang up?

I just loffed at this one.

Patrice talking about intern David: "He's so Jewish he has pyramid dust under his nails"

"HOW'S THAT FEEL FUCKER" -- Gregg "Opie" Hughes

Ah yes, during the Stern fan street "fight".

When Bobbie Roberts called in bc her matchups nugget eating faggot kid got engaged :

Bobbie : and Sam said, mom, I think im going to need to buy some jewelry. Tranth : A prince Albert?


Bobbie: And then Sam went down on one knee Tranth: Who's one knee?

Jim: I will be recording my special in Vegas Colin: what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas Jim: I will be shooting something down there Colin: Hopefully yourself

Jim: I'm shooting something in Vegas.

CQ: Yourself, I hope.

"P the G? How about K the N?"

Colin Quinn: "Stating the obvious, you fucking water moccasin."

There are so many CQ quotes we've just turned into Reddit things that we forgot were from the show: "Tunisian knife fighter" I thing was the best one

Caller talking about his retarded nephew who's obsessed with M•A•S•H and thinks it's real and the Korean War is still going on.

Ant: Of course he does... He's Hawkbrain Pierce.

Jim: I was diagnosed with A.H.B.D. once.

Ant: What's that?

Jim: Adorable Huggable Boy Disorder

Ant: You're cured

Someone famous with an entourage walks by (I think). Someone in studio points out that one of their security looks like a black version of Kenny. Ant immediately pipes up with, "Grape Soda Kenny!"

Bobo, I cannot imagine the horror that is about to be visited upon you- CQ- During Breaking Bobo's Heart.

BOBO: I think Oscar is marketing his new line of cocaine-cocaine laced subs.

My favorite was his impression of the dog. "There's a two headed MONSTER in the house!"

Ruiner of family photos always makes me chuckle

Enough of Mustard. Bring on Ketchup!