My opinion on Kathy Griffin's Trump Picture.

0  2017-05-31 by Joyomi



You look like Bobo did a bit of excercise once.

I exercise a lot.

Do ya?

backing ur ass up against a black dick isnt exercise

Hot Take Incoming!

Your make my autism seen charming and likeable. Keep it up.

Breitbart is really wetting their pants over this one.

ohhh aprosbro went there!

Nobody is going to watch this shit. Just stop man. There is not a person who subscribes here that likes you or your videos. You are just a weird, sad man.

I have almost 20 subscribers, I do not post on here for subs, I don't give a shit. I want my opinion to be known.

Wow! Almost 20? That's almost 2 dozen! Keep up the good work man! Be the change you want to see in the world!

Did you honestly think posting this video on here was going to fair well? Even if you were funny, we were going to trash you for looking like Joe DeRosa but you're a monotone and trite douche.

If only it were your head she was holding

See if you can get on Brain on the Brink.

I think it's actually Brian on the Brink.

Your opinion is generic and uninteresting. You bring nothing to the table; you're not funny or smart. Stop recording yourself talking and re-evaluate your entire life.

Thanks for sharing. You always have an interesting take I look forward to hearing. You need to jazz up your presentation though. You gotta be more flamboyant. It would be better if you were more masculine, but that doesn't seem likely. So you gotta go more feminine. Way more feminine. Think what would Milo do. You gotta make a choice between androgynous or homosexuality in your act. It will be a nice misdirection for your conservative takes. You need to shave. Everywhere. Buy a wig. Several wigs. Buy a blouse and some scarves. Maybe even some pearls. Earnings are a must. Maybe a nose ring? For the love of God, lose the Bernard Goetz glasses. Think Fey or Garafaolo if you must wear glasses. But I wish you wouldn't. We should all see that gorgeous face. You're hiding all your charisma and sexuality. I would love to see what is behind those sexy eyes. But those fucking Coke bottle glasses are in the fucking way. And, chrissakes, it's not 2009 anymore. Turn your fucking phone sideways when you shoot a video, you fucking pathetic retard b

I liked your blue album and Pinkerton. "Say It Ain't So" is an alltime classic. Shame about the rest of your albums.

I've been told before I look like Rivers Cuomo lol. I take it as a compliment!

Go away

I exercise a lot.