
11  2017-05-31 by unclepaul84


So now we're just doing this with everything I guess?

These people are so xenophobic to the Chinese

Stop being so fucking calm about all this.  Go look in your house.  There’s a note on your TV, and all it says is, ‘Dear Clarence’.  It’s cuz I couldn’t write a back to Drexel and fuck yourself.  Then go back to Drexel and fuck yourself.

Drexel, what’s a Drexel?

Just shut up.  I’m trying to come clean.  I’ve been a call girl for exactly four days, and you’re my third customer.  I want you to know that I’m not damaged goods.  I’m not what they call Florida white trash.  I’m a really good person.  And when it comes to relationships, I’m one hundred percent…. I’m one hundred percent monogomous.  

You're a whore?

No, I'm not a whore! I'm a callgirl and there's a difference ya know.

I liked the scene when Gandolfini beat the shit outta her.

It's a good movie, early Tarantino script and Tony Scott's best work. She's good in that one, Ed Wood and Lost Highway, the rest of her career is sub-mediocre, and her opinions are worthless.

Now I can't watch Lost Highway. Thanks a lot!

twitter, is not, the arts

Tss, Aruqette? Wait, how about Theirdog?

ffawk yea, took me a second but i got. fawkin homerun.

Don't try to get attention from my glory, you pessa g.

forgive me

Pulling out of the climate change deal is stupid.

It is like denying the new world exists letting other countries conquer it all.

We need our industry to be on the forefront of green technology, not pretend there is no need for it.

industry to be on the forefront of green technology

How in the fuck does the Paris agreement do this? And how does pulling out stop it from happening?

By allowing companies to still emit carbon at terrible rates there is no incentive to modernize.

I think the kid might be an autist. 11-years-old and he thought that head was his father's? I think we might have a taller bobo in the works.

Kid's a full on fucking spazz.

The only Patricia Arquette story I've ever heard is that when she was in Lost Highway whenever she was called to set she'd drive her Porsche the couple hundred feet from her trailer to the camera. The crew had to leave a drive-thru lane when they set up the scenes she was in. Sick

I would fuck her

So now it's Trump's fault that the climate is fucked? They really just blame him for everything.

Also, we reached the point of no return years ago. We can't fix the environment anymore.

They blame any president for everything.

Stop trying to make this an alt right sub.

Doesn't TACS have a board? Go there.

How is being woke alt-right?

I've always known it as AltGr

You play pretend for a living. Shut up stupid.

Yeah, she earned more money over the run of 1 TV show than you or I will in our entire lives, the fucking moron.

That gives her credibility how? I've paid a lot of strippers to blow me. They make more then me. I don't want to hear their opinion about investment into my 401k.

If anyone's going to need to know how to look after their money when they're too old to do their job, it's going to be a stripper. You should definitely pay attention.

Another broad that looks like a man now. By the time we got to the end of the (long, painful, overrated) Boyhood, I thought she was Gary Busey.

The right gets all the good looking (and less stupid) women.


Aids,there's a change I can get behind.....

All this bitching about climate change, nobody ever blames the chinks.

Strawman arguments are lowest tier of logical fallacies

Wasn't her brother one of Ant's peeps?

Drexel, what’s a Drexel?

I liked the scene when Gandolfini beat the shit outta her.

industry to be on the forefront of green technology

How in the fuck does the Paris agreement do this? And how does pulling out stop it from happening?