Lol Wonder Woman has a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes...

52  2017-05-30 by Joyomi

Why the fuck does the movie have a 97? That makes it almost a perfect movie, you cannot tell me there is not some feminist agenda behind this shit. The last few DC movies all had rotten scores, yet this garbage is being praised. I will post one synopsis from this Cuck from "Den of Geek".

"This is a moment 75 years in the making where the hopes and dreams of millions of little girls and adult women finally crystallize into one transcendent image that is proud, defiant, and a long time coming."

Fuck Wonder Woman.


She is stunning and brave

A wonder

A wonder

You mean like when Get Out had 100% for several weeks and they then advertised the score on TV promos? Nah, that's totally organic.

Or Dear White People on netflix having 100%

I did really like Get Out but yeah, those reviews were very generous

Get Out is at 99% now.

Take that Kubrick! The Shining - 87%.

to be fair, RT didn't start til 97, so if you look at reviews for anything before then, its pretty much people in 1997 or later reviewing it.

True. Still... it annoys me because the RT score is the first thing you see when you google a title.

Wonder Woman has to be successful or the "DC Cinematic Universe" is fucked.

I'm just hoping they don't ruin the new Batman film, but I'm sure they'll find a way

As opposed to the last eight Batman films?

Eh? Have you seen The Dark Knight?

Yeah wtf is he talking about? the Nolan batmans are fuckin great

Exactly. TDKR is really good and the backlash against it was way over the top imo.

Let's not go too far. The whole NYSE scene was pretty retarded.


You can't just force your way into the NYSE and make a bunch of shitty trades on behalf of your enemy and make their company go bankrupt. Records are kept. Fraudulent trades can be nullified and reversed. People would know Bruce Wayne didn't mean to bet his entire net worth on the collapse of gold, AAPL, and GOOGL. Did you really need this explained, dummy?

It's about a guy dressed up as a bat fighting a guy in a mask and your crying about how Bruce Wayne's company went bankrupt as not realistic. You are the fucking dummy.

Fair enough, but it says something that a lot of faggots like me couldn't even suspend their disbelief for that idiocy.

Were you also bummed that 'the neverending story' had an ending?

Haven't seen it, queer, why don't you tell us about it?

You never saw it as a kid? Did your parents hate you? This does explain a lot

I never saw that but I did watch the original TMNT movie about 10,000 times as a young tyke.

Batman turned everyone's cellphones into a live sonar network in TDK.


Congratulations, cabaretcabaret. The responses to your comment are the moment this sub turned into Reddit. It's all Harry Potter and "Samantha Bee is /ourgal/ now" from here on out.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the dark knight is one of the most overrated movies of all time. That shit was ok and Heath ledgers performance was not academy award worthy. It's that pandering bullshit Hollywood does just to get ratings and faggots ate that shit up. Fuck all you comic book fanboy faggots

Bale's portrayal of Batman was embarrassing. Gay growly voice and corny one-liners in a movie that's supposed to be (relatively) dark.

All three were great (well, the last one was just pretty good) and Ledgers performance was masterful. You, Sir, are a rube.

Frank Miller wrote some great stories, but Christian Bale shit the bed in those movies.

Fun fact : Miller wrote RoboCop II and appeared in it too


superhero movies stinm

Periods go inside quotation marks and fuck you for using the word cuck incorrectly.

The quotations are the right way to do it, it an go both ways. And that is the epitome of the world cuck, how is it not?

Stunning Brave Beautiful Fierce Fearless

The only remaining comic book fans are the idiots. How do you think the Avengers made it this far?

The Avengers suck so bad.

Who gives a shit. It's a fucking superhero movie you queer don't watch it then.

Wonder woman is not a new character either

yeah, is the sub really crying about a dumb superhero movie rating?

and they are the triggered ones.

Hot takes in this post look out

Because RT is a shitty aggregator that counts a critic's vote as fresh if they didn't absolutely hate a film.

More troubling is the 79% on MetaCritic.


Get Out was a fine and somewhat clever movie, but you could smell the horseshit as all these faggy liberal critics tripped all over themselves to compliment a black writer/director's movie about racial tensions. It's the most subtle, insidious form of racism.

The movie was about the white stereotype among black people, wasn't about racism and didn't have an anti white political message, what the media and critics did to the movie had nothing to do with the creators

Why is the 77 on metacritic more troubling? isnt that more accurate than RT in this case? That suggests most critics like it, but with some reservation. Which is pretty consistent with most of the superhero movies.

Got 2/5 in the Guardian, which prompted this criticism from a journalist who's name looks like 'Tom Tendercuck' if you squint your eyes.

The Tomatometer is misleading to idiots. They equate a 97% rate of passableness to being 97 out of 100 on a quality scale. Nearly 100% of critics gave Get Out a pass, but it was maybe a 55.5 at best on a quality scale of 1-100. It's a highly flawed metric.

It's like the electoral college. Reagan won 49/50 states in '84 but that doesn't mean he won 98% of the vote.

There were a lot of rumblings (from the scoops the Midnight's Edge guys were delivering) that the Wonder Woman movie had a pretty troubled production and that all insider evidence pointed toward it bombing. I think WB planned for this and did some good old-fashioned PAYOLA for critics that weren't going to go with the whole "YAY WOMEN" narrative.

I like the DCU though, and I do want WW to do well. Way better than Ghostbusters could ever do. And the WB aren't selling the whole: "If you hate this idea, you're sexist" schtick. Theres too much money on the line for that nonsense.

Sony Pictures should be wiped off the face of the earth, with Amy Pascal, Paul Feig and Kate Dippold being dragged out of their houses and shot in the middle of the street like it was a Warsaw ghetto in 1939.

I don't care about the DCU or if WW succeeds or falters according to some hazy formula of profitability. I think the alt-right crowd is reaching, though, if they view WW as a worthy receptacle of hatred or annoyance along the same parameters as Clambusters. That was a blatant case of brand hijacking by opportunists with douchey motivations. It's not the fault of WW as a property if it's being co-opted by people who assign equality-struggle implications to literally every pop culture artifact.

I've never really cared about Wonder Woman and find the DCU to be pretty garbage so far, but the World War I angle piques my interest a little. You don't get that in movies very often.

Can you do a 10 minute monotone video about it?

"Positive" reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are generally >50% of whatever system the review uses. So even 3/5 stars is considered positive even though thats a failing grade in most schools.

I have virulent hatred for all things super-heroic, but I would sooner sit through Wonder Woman than a faggoty nerd bonanza like Guardians 2 (or the upcoming Justice League, for that matter). If I was forced into seeing Guardians 2 or JL, I would probably shut down mentally and force myself into a nap. WW I bet could at least maintain attention. Gal Gadot is a stunning Jew broad, in spite of her Jupiter-sized head. I could ogle her for a couple of hours, even if it meant stomaching trite female-empowerment platitudes and mind-numbing video game fight scenes along the way. The real kicker, though: the bulk of WW's story takes place in the greatest of eras. Put Barbie in WWII and I might be tempted to attend.

Would you fuck Gal?

I'd let her dominate me in full WW regalia.

Only if she was ok with me dressing up like Hitler while I was gaping her asshole with a bowling pin

Look on the bright side, we now have definitive proof rotten tomatoes is bullshit

Rotten Tomatoes doesn't score movies, it aggregates critics' reviews. 97% means thats the percentage of critics who enjoyed the film, it doesn't mean it's a near perfect movie. All it takes is a 3/5 to be considered a positive review.

you got a point, but i think we can all agree that women's suffrage was a mistake

That goes without saying pal.

Well, pretty straight forward actually: it has a 97 because 97 per cent of the reviews that have been posted have been positive. However it's still OK for you to dislike it --even sight unseen.

Anthony, is that you?

Twitter feminists hated this movie at first because Wonder Woman wasn't a tubby POC but once there was that dorky backlash over that place giving women only screenings it's an Empowering 💪💪💪💪💪

Twitter feminists hated this movie at first because Wonder Woman wasn't a tubby POC but once there was that dorky backlash over that place giving women only screenings it's Empowering 💪💪💪💪💪

That's actually pretty accurate. If there's one thing that bridges the gap between the SJWs and shitlords, it's spite.

which is why they orchestrated that false flag operation

I like that 75 years of feminism results in exploiting dumb broads who think with their emotions rather than their brains

How many girls and women gave af about Wonder Woman until the marketing for this mediocre action movie told them they cared?

Just like we've been doing for 250,000 years #patriarch

IDK, but from all the trailers Wonder Woman looked like it may be the best.

That doesn't say its perfect, but holy shit was Batman v. Superman dog shit.

It also can't be worse than Suicide Squad.

Suicide Squad was so bad. The only good part of the movie is when Diablo died and the black dudes behind me were saying, "Why they gotta kill my nigga Diablo?"

Such a shit film, but it was pretty fun seeing it with friends. I really want to see the Aquaman movie, that has got to be terrible.

Why the fuck does the movie have a 97? That makes it almost a perfect movie

97% gave it a positive review, but the actual average score is 7.7/10. Of course it is some feminist bullshit, but it's more like critics gave it a lukewarm review so it would show up as positive.

"William Marston, the psychologist and comic author who created Wonder Woman, believed that the only way to save the world from war was for women to rule the world and for men to become more like women."

I'm surprised it doesn't have 100%

That's only because she's white. If they made Wonder Woman black it'd be 100%

If you had a dick, you'd understand.


You really make me sick. Maybe it's a good movie ya fag.

How do I make you sick?

I read your post and made a judgment on you based on your analysis. You make me sick.

Ok, I'm judging a shit super hero movie, you're butthurt, and a queer to boot. Fuck off.

Yes, clearly I'm the one who's butthurt. Write another paragraph you silly goose.

Why would I e butt hurt? I'm just saying super hero movies suck moose cock, and that feminist are giving this above average scores. You were the one defending Wonder Woman like a cuck.

Have you seen it? I haven't. Maybe it's good.

No, and I don't want. Am I 12?

I'm pretty positive you're a serial killer. Why don't you just start fresh with a new account?

Why would you say that?


I wasn't going to see it, but at 97% it's on par with Apocalypse Now so I guess I kinda have to now.

Who the fuck still watches Hollywood movies in the first place


I like a majority of a superhero movies, but at the same time I'm still shocked that any superhero movie other than Logan get high ratings. I can't believe there aren't more snooty artsy movie reviewers that would just hate them for being popcorn movies.

Because this is exactly what women need right now.

Because Hillary wanted it that way.

Big corporations trying to trick us into thinking they don't manipulate everything we see. Those reviews are about as organic as Mary Jane's cans.

A feminist marketed 9 digit budget franchise film led by a Jewish Princess is getting good reviews from critics? Oi vey!

The 97% means that 97% of the critics who reviewed the movie gave it a positive review, not that the movie is a 97 out of a 100. Every critic can think a movie is passable, and it would get a 100% RT score. That doesn't mean that it's a good movie.

And I'll hold off the criticism until I see the movie. I don't want the DC movies to be dogshit, but they unfortunately turnout that way. Maybe this movie is actually good.


Hollywood blows now. I have a strict view on movies that if it doesn't look original, or is a blatant money grab (like ALL superhero and remake movies are), I don't go and see it. I haven't been to a theater in 5 years and have been one hundred percent fine with it, and feel like I've missed nothing.

Seen one CGI city blow up, you've seen them all.

Women will be empowered by this movie. They will know if they become so good looking Hollywood will give them money to star in movies.

I mean what if, just what if, it's actually a great movie?

But she's hot, so hopefully all the women and girls will get back in the gym, shaving, and start putting on make-up again.

It couldn't be worse than that Batman Superman abomination