Reminder. Lady Di graduated. Anthony Cumia didn't.

110  2017-05-30 by Dennyislife


Anthony dropped out of High School because he couldn't pass gym. Impressive, even for ol pissy eyes.

I wonder if that's a lie. Knowing Ant, he probably failed most or all of his classes.

Nah I know a guy that dropped out just because gym credits. Gym is gay so he just never went.

Knowing cumio he probably lied to make himself look cool, he probably got caught jerking off dudes in gym class or something

Would you bang 18 year old di?

both in an abandoned building on a door, and in the ass in my car

That's an uncomfortable place

Like in the back of a Volkswagen?

It was a 70s Volkswagen, before they went small like Japanese... cars.

How about on the train tracks?

Is she tied to the tracks?

aka the Ritz Carlton for Lady Di

How about on a pinball machine?

She was a handsome woman


Stalker Patti has a college degree. Think on that.

Opie has a college degree. Think on that.


In theater production. I bet Bobo could get that.

You'd be surprised. And being in NYC, she should have had a good career as a stagehand on Broadway. Instead we get this mess.

She probably would be a good person to get you coffee and do your dishes and what not. That's the great thing about capitalism. Stalk Patti can be the manager at a business somewhere and be happy to count the minutes shes earned to her 3 days of yearly vacation.

You think the cast wouldn't be happy hearing "PLAAAYY-CIS, EVEREE BOHDY. FOIVE MINNNITZ!"

All that education and just 22 minutes of vacation per year.

I believe she has a teaching degree


I wonder how her tour on the navy ship is going.

i would think she enjoys being around all the semen

Anthony is a lazy nigger what do you expect?

Lady Di also handles her booze better

she is also eligible to work for the government.

bitch looks like Prince Charming from Shrek

Now she looks like Shrek from Shrek.

Anthony essentially just got really lucky, then unlucky, then lucky again and so on.

All in all it was a win but dude is no genius.

Shit in dopie all you want but he recused tranny hooker guy and the pedo

Opie Hughes supports and encourages gay tranny pedos

Reminder: Lady Di took it in the ass. Anthony Cumia didn- oh.

Didn't Ant graduate from his sex offenders class, though?

He graduated from the court ordered women beater course for sure

After convincing his court ordered instructor that his on air personality is an 'act'

Even though he does it from his basement half-drunk and hasn't held back a real opinion since the WNED days.

the only person on earth who can babble in 140 characters.

She went to collage and doesn't know to from too

I'd like Colin to but I don't think he likes me that way. 5:02 PM - 12 Jun 2015



That was the joke you idiots

Lol, lying faggot.

ok /u/CockPoopExpress you got me!

FYI I have at least 3-4 other comments in my history where I point out grammar errors while making one obvious one. Not obvious enough for this crowd, my bad.

She's also serving honorable in the Navy, even at her advanced age.

Did Mr. Right-Wing ever serve? Only drinks to young trannies.

He served by making love to retarded daughters of Democrat cucks

Imagine 103lb 19 year old ant trying to do push-ups and pull ups then getting pissy eyed when the drill instructor yelling at him.

"5'4? I didn't know they stacked shit that high... Well actually that's not very high. "

Back when he would've went through he could've never made it. My bootcamp company 5 years ago on the other hand, well we had a fat little girl who couldn't do one push-up. She graduated.

She was the greatest piece of ass I've ever had. And I had them all over the world.

Jack Woltz would have banged Lady Di

Mike from Breaking Bad with a wig

It's Dr. Amy Bishop.

Also you need a congressional nomination to even attend the Naval Academy much less graduate.

She's dead; he isn't

No no no, she's defending our freedom. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE

You're kiddin

And Anthony is a millionaire that gets to sleep in. Great analysis

She also served her country while that pissy eyed chicken hawk sang Loverboy songs on the south shore

I'd do her.

Is that really what that fucking slob used to look like? Wow, from a totally bangable whore to a freaking monster.....

Time is a bitch.

She was definitely the kind of girl I would have tried to convince to give me a handjob at a house party and then vehemently deny it the next day at school.

Cunt still has me blocked. I thought she fucking died?

The only reason i stick around this shit hole is for the gold that you guys will come up with once this rotund drunk man dies
