Why did he do this? Have you seen this video?

94  2017-05-30 by hairyscrode


Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever seen this video before. I doubt anyone else in this sub has seen it either.

Thank i wasnt too sure

ME: That's the bit!

Within 30 seconds this video is always brigaded by paid-for Opie Radio shills and sherrodarmy

"It was a BIT. You guys just don't understand COMEDY, okay? He was totally in on it. I saw that guy EVERY DAY on my walk to work. I probably gave him like $200 over the years. At LEAST. Don't you understand how radio WORKS? We bought him a brand new cake right after that, but the cameras didn't show it. I've been doing this for thirty years now, don't you think I know what I'm DOING? Sniff."

Love the Opie Radio water mark on it. He can never escape this.

I will be sure of that

this is hard to watch, especially after memorial day. Our vets deserve better.

ME: "It's a jungle out in our cities during the walkover. Violent savages own the cakes. They all came 2 defend this pig. I had to yell like at dogs"

Is this the same guy who made a woman suffering from massive birth defects in a wheelchair grab money with her non-existent hands?

The very same. I hear he also goes fishing then fucks the fish in the mouth until death

He also shits on the beach in locations he knows kids will play in because he likes to sit back and watch them grab a handful of his shit that's he covered lightly with sand.

He's a monster!!

He also smashed a guitarr of an true artist with a voice of an angel in the prime of her life. There are no limits to his debauchery

Of an true artist? Retard.

Nobody is going to buy that one.

I guess that's the limit

this nigga kicked a dog to death

This video would only be complete if a large fist smashed Gregg's jaw, slightly out of frame, and he fell to the ground knocking all his crooked teeth out on the cement.

How can one man be responsible for so much misery? And on the easiest targets; the homeless, the elderly, the infirm. He truly is a monster. Karma has a way of catching up with despicable sorts like him.

E.g. https://youtu.be/QLmnTOQ2YpM?t=16

More people need to see this. I'm disgusted that I listened to this monster

Alt right Trump supporter destroys a Syrian Muslim migrant's cake intended for a same sex wedding.

Mr. Hughes could not be reached for comment.

Dem tits are absolutely haram

that's not right.