Is Anthony a pedophile?

3  2017-05-29 by BadassOGMotherfucker


does a bear shit in the woods

pola bears dont.. dvv dvv

Legally, no. In the real world he's known as a creep.

You're still a pedophile even if you haven't been convicted.

He has demonstrated that he's unironically attracted to children.

Is Earth round? Many uneducated cult followers argue this fact, but everyone knows it's true.

Dude, you can't trust all the facts brah, check out a youtube video sometime and get #woke

found the SPHERE CUCK

the word you're looking for is homosexual


If you have to ask if someone is a pedophile, the answer is already there

This is the king of unnecessary questions.

By definition a pedophile is attracted to prepubescent children. Now people just try to use it as a shock value name to attack people who are not actually into prepubescent children.

He's a hebephile. Get it right.

I'm pretty sure he would best be described as a ephebophile. Or hebephile. Essentially he is interested in 'women' aged 12 - 19, so generally pubescent or post pubescent.

hebeophile? What's that like a weeaboo for jews or sumthin?
