The Proud Boys are no different than the gangs of savages terrorizing this country.

3  2017-05-29 by Ant_Sucks

Gangbangers have an initiation called "Jumping In". To be in the gang the other members have to jump in and beat the living shit out of you for a count of 13 seconds.

Initiation into the MS-13 Gang

Black Gang Initiation

Pretty hardcore. After all, they have to be tough to fight other gangs and run from ICE.

Now compare it to the Proud boys. They only go for a count of 5. They also have layers of fat protecting them.

If the West is the best why can't they take a beating as good as a Mexican teenager?


Youre ragging on a group of gay men for being gay

We're joking around here, but there are kinda shady things going on around he Prouds these days, even if they are 100% homosexual. That fucking retard Sal Cippola admitted on TGMS when he was guest hosting, that Mike Cernovich pays them thousands of dollars to go from city to city and take part in these riots. If we really want to fuck with them, we should tip this off to the popos. This has to be illegal.

That's probably bullshit but it's not illegal anyway.

Baked Alaska has talked about Cernovich paying him and others as well. I don't know how he has the money. His books can't have sold all that well.

Cernovich gets alimony from his doctor ex wife.

He learned a thing or two from Joey Mattress, huh?

He gets money from oligarchs, as Milo does, as does every Dem/Rep operative.

yeah but ms13 members can't suck dick like the pbs

But they can't name 5 types of cereal either.

Guns, money and whiteness

Feel safe goin after them instead of the others huh