
21  2017-05-29 by fervt


by christmas he will have nothing. And im glad

Why is he holding on to it? Shave that shit off before you look like Larry Fine.

He's even pushing it forward. He looked completely youthful like 5 years ago, full head of obnoxious hair.

Sam waited until he was bald to start aggressively pursuing a job on WWE cable TV shows.

I dot know if he is pushing it forward. He could have glued some pubes on his head.

He needs to trim that shit down. It ain't coming back

He's getting the opposite of a mohawk

Tssssssssssssss a nohawk or sumpin?

You fawkin buried this cocksucka

His hairline has gone the way of his upper-lip.

His hair makes me uncomfortable.

Is this a photoshop? Can't even tell anymore.

I don't think photoshop has been used on him this year. You don't need it.

Not at all. Thats the creep now.

It's time for some individually placed follicles.

He can use his pubes because it looks the same as his hair.

Get it?

Who's the berber on the left?

Whoa, Bald Sammy, Bam-ba-Lam.

Whoa, Bald Sammy, Bam-ba-Lam.

Whoa, half nigger, bam ba lam Whoa, half Klingon, bam ba lam

Bald Sammy had a child bam ba lam damn thing gonn die from sids bam ba lam

Twink days are over, you neanderthal. Shave it

His fucked up face looks like a melted candle with a bowling ball on top.


Got-damn, negroid! Those alien Klingon forehead ridges are aglow with proof of extraterrestrial life!

His shower drain looks like Nia's cootah.

is that lou merloni?

Just go with a buzz cut Sam. Jesus Christ.

Just fucking buzz it, it's not like he's a teenager. He's a grown ass married man, what the flying fuck.

Not Sam has Not Hair

what a dumb cunt

No worries, he'll lose half his shit soon.