Bad news is I broke up with my gf tonight

18  2017-05-29 by bonecrushingkisses

Good news is I get to say faggot and retard again. (She was a special needs teacher with a gay brother)


Unfortunately, your next gf will have a black lover.

Not saying you are referring to me, just wanted to state I'm not black though.

"Nobody's perfect.." Hebe Kikeburger.

You guys put in too much work just be young and get a ghetto which bitch.

If you were a real man you would have said faggot and retard in front of her and if she got lippy about it you'd have given her a good backhand and told her to shut up and go make you a sandwich.

Fawwwkkkk yeahhhhh! Alpha for life.

she would still be with him if he did that

And we aaallllwayyys tryyy to veneraaaate the entrepreneeuuuur

She gets heavy retard dick anyway. She doesn't care.

I fucked a 20 year old retard on Friday night so it's all good.

I figured Stinks would have a job by now.

Trust me, the happiness gained from being crude and never adjusting your speech is infinitely more satisfying than the happiness derived from having a functioning relationship with someone who has a cooter. TRUST ME.

Sounds like she was into incest as well!

Your bad news, is her good news, so the world is in balance

One of my best friends is going through a miserable divorce with a woman we all thought was cool but it turns out she likes money and prescription pills a whole lot.

sounds cool to me

Hey wait, that sounds like my sister in law! ..and so on... and so on..... and so on...

Breaking up is never a bad thing if it doesn't involve kids, property or savings.

And a special needs gay boyfriend.

And you also get to watch gay porn out in the open now. As opposed to late at night with everyone sleeping.