Sarah Silverman's sister is a dumb cunt.

45  2017-05-29 by Opieisgod


"I get the point. Racism is over, sexism isn't really a thing, and now everyone's just hammering the poor white guy cuz there's nothing left." Y'know, she makes a pretty good point.

Does she?

Just check her profile blurb to see where this dumb cunt really stands though. "NoBanNoWallNoRaids," "Black Lives Matter."

Funny how she says white "guys" when it was two women who were bullied out of their business.

What can I say.. She's a dumb cunt.

The silvermans were born from an ass

That would make them turds huh gang

Daily reminder: A person raising the American flag makes Sarah and her family nervous. That's how insane they are. Shalom.

I want to put my Peter in each Silverman sister's dunce hole.

Just fuck a cardboard box instead.

But I want to yell anti-semitic remarks at her while she tells me what an awful non-liberal I am.

Draw a star of David on the box first

An empty refrigerator box, preferably. To get the most realistic effect.

Anyone who unironically uses the term "anti-racist" should be mouth fucked by an African gentleman.

Ain't you the edgy one Mr chan

I only care if she's hotter than her sister's Q like body being naked. Do her hips act as shower shelfs?

These are the same people that are ok with musliums. The ones that have slaves, torture fags and fuck kids.

Three out of three ain't bad.

Alternate universe Anthony Cumia.

These people are exhausting.

/r/cbanks420lol u know what to do

She's also sexist for assuming that the food truck was run by men.

But this isn't surprising since Sarah Silverman's sister's sister is also a dumb cunt.

What does the (((triple parentheses))) thing mean?



^ voted "least likely to sugar-coat"

Just another kike pushing white genocide. It's just what they do.

I've always wanted to fuck the shit out of this homely looking mousey girl. I bet she rocks full bush and doesn't shave her arm pits.

italian's are white

Well now hold on there.

She probably considers herself white as well. Shameful

I just love how these nasty, hostile little cunts are allowed to run around using the media to spread aggressive political ideology under the guise of 'comedy.' Meanwhile Sam Hyde gets fired after a literal Jewish sustained smear campaign lead against him (guy's name was Joe Bernstein and his mom is a rabbi), and it turns out besides being smarter, Ann Coulter is actually funnier than Sarah Silverman, so they go after her speeches an have them SHUT DOWN.

The pot is just beginning to cook, Silverman clan. you don't want to be around when it starts boiling

Did any of you read Silverman's tweet? It's actually on point

"Yes, a dumb opinion article in the food section is def on the same scale as those issues. Ever get tired of searching for proof ur a victim?"

"I get the point. Racism is over, sexism isn't really a thing, and now everyone's just hammering the poor white guy cuz there's nothing left."

True but read the rest of her dumbass feed. Everyone was going to look through it anyway to see how she looks. And of course every. fucking. tweet. is obsessed with "look how right we are and how wrong they are" cunty drivel.


So the OP should have posted those tweets instead because this tweet went over his head.

her entire twitter feed/existence is obsessed with making white men look worse than muslim terrorists.

She's a kike - that's just what they do.

I think you are giving her way too much credit.

How novel. A rich Hollywood Jew that hates white people. Refreshing.

She has a verified Twitter account for being someone's sister?

Everyone has a verified account. I just saw a huff po journalist with 350 followers with a verified account

I like when D-list celebrities get into arguments with people who anime profile pictures.

Like Chelsea Clinton and Anthony Cumia.

She has #resist in her bio. Ugh.

Every time I see "resist" now I hear Anthony saying it with mocking disgust in his first call into Jim/Sam show.

No No Yes Yes

She's got a notoriously smelly cootah

Hey Laura, it's Ben.

The questions listed all presumably have YES as the answer. So one assumes the intention is that the 2017 question also had an answer of yes?

So the answer is yes white chefs should serve burritos.

You know what the scary part is? Laura Silverman is Sarah's normal (sister...)[]

They are both retards.

I'm reasonably sure that post is mocking that? No? God help us all if it's sincere.

Member that time Laura Silverman tried to take on the avatar and lost? I member...

You can't expect these people to hold rational views on anything

Oh god and I bet she googled all those points to

(((she))) doesnt like white people, who would have guessed. If i dont kill myself drinking, i might actually live to die in the final battle.