Sherrod's Big Ole Titties

43  2017-05-29 by mrnonsenseny



Dick Ross.

"I think I'm Bruce Bruce. Doug Williams. Not gettin' work, but Chris sent a check. Hallelujah."

I honestly admire the confidence of black guys like Sherrod and Dante. They're fat slobs but they carry themselves like they're these specimens of power.

I gots me a big black dick. Dats all white womenz want.

"See, because the average black penis is longer than the average white penis, see. Do you follow what I am saying?"

Yup. There's zero chance that he doesn't think he's a ten.

and Dante


Sorry, Dante Nero. He's an obese/deformed NY comic/cable guy who calls himself Beige Phillip because he was in Patrice's posse a decade ago. He claims to have been a pimp and offers private ho management classes. He's also "the Pope" of the Proud Boys because he convinced Gavin that jerking off is bad a few years ago.

As a comic, he's garbage. He sits down on stage (like Patrice, but also because he has to for health reasons) and does bad Patrice jokes. Then he goes into crowd work and finds the best looking white woman in the crowd and rags on her nonsensically. Then he calls her a racist for being intimidated by his piercings, namely the bone in his ear. Seriously, that's his show.

He's also a dullard who is too obese to walk properly, let alone host orgies and do half the shit he talks about.

Sorry for the confusion.

I think his day job is a Verizon technician or something shitty like that too.

Yeah, and there's nothing wrong with that job at all, just own up to it if you're putting yourself forward as this oracle of truth or at the least, a professional comedian.

He's also "the Pope" of the Proud Boys

He also hates Trump which makes his association pretty strange.

the babbling cunt thinks hes hot shit with his flaccid tits and stretch marks. im surprised his tongue isnt out in this photo. i think its afraid of direct sunlight.

He's sucking in his gut at least.

U think Gregg is trying to start a crew, the Titty order for Gregg to bring you into the bosom, he requires a B cup.

I bet that Horse-faced cunt Vic Henley has a set of tits too.

He's the only one who doesn't. Loading up his meat truck keeps his chest built up.

Does he like his tits sucked like Patrice said he did?

Tell me more....

Patrice said he liked his tits sucked.

Oh, now I understand

As do I. Thanks for the insight.

They were talking about what gives you a "monster rod" one show and Patrice said getting his nipples sucked.

Enjoying your tits getting sucked is certifiably gay. There's no two ways about it and Patrice is not exempt from that. Also, the mental image of Patrice nursing a grown woman is horrifying.

And he had tender diabetic nipples so Coach Von had to watch her teeth.

They were talking about what gives you a "monster rod" one show and Patrice said getting his nipples sucked.

We're missing the obvious here. Who would actually recognize him?

he probably shouts his name out to strangers and pretends they know who he is.


Oh, hi Rashad


The irony here is that if he jumped in that pool he would drown.

he better not be allowed in the pool if management knows what's good for them.

Or cause an oil slick.

He looks like Titus from Kimmy Schmidt

But gayer.

gross, he's full of stretch marks too. or is that just what black skin looks like? either way, it's gross.

I bet Opie and Sherrod grope each other's breast like a couple of lesbians in a broom closet at a pray-the-gay-away camp.


Check it out, the same chick posted a picture she took with Burr too:

You can read those arm stretch marks like rings on a tree.


Somebody should tell this spade to knock it off.

Big ol' National Geographic jungle tiddies, nigga!

I lol'd at the "coal-burner" comment.

Disgusting white slut, she deserves a life time of misery with this cunt for having such low breeding standards.

How does this fat fuck get girls on him like that but I cant even convince a 5 to come have lunch with me. Women truly are money hungry cunts.

"You like Chris Rock?"


"I'm his cousin."

Sherrod Small is black by circumstance only.

Dat schwoogie gots mo stretchmarks than a puerto rican mother of nine.

Nigger got 4 tits, 2 on his chest and one under each arm.