Caption Contest

18  2017-05-28 by EncinoEscobar



Yeah, I didn't have anything either the photo just makes me sick. Boy, that Gavin sure is wacky.

You don't like DANKMEME culture?

Sane and Intelligent are two words I don't think of when I see a MAGA hat.

The freak between the queers is Fred from Brooklyn.

Poor Fred... Always a bridesmaid never the bride

I hate that mumbling retard.

he's truly useless

Why is that nigger's hair light brown now?

Those are his sunkissed, summer fun hi-lights courtesy of John Sahag. Perfect for a poolside romp or a posh, tropical getaway.

That comma after posh was, uneccessary.

"Maurie's wigs don't come off! Even underwater! Tested against hurricane winds!"

Great for catching tranny semen.

Tasteless human garbage

It's hard to believe but apparently these two gentlemen created the modern world


They made a space rocket from scratch!

Lol is that bald guy on the right bobo?

Idk but he has on sweet shin length jorts

Look at all the hot chicks in that photo! The Compound is the place to be (party central) and not at all a depressing McMansion next to a freeway where elderly men meet to get swinishly drunk and tell each other they're better than "the blacks!"

Well, there is a child behind Anthony, who I assume was "rented" to be Brother Joe's receptacle.

The house looks like shit

Nice cargo shorts nigger.

I can't wait till the background of these pictures features a mobile home.

Tranth needs new hair plugs but he can't afford hair plus and paying Joe's allowance.

Gavin is a degenerate.

How is any one of the pudgy idiots at this party better than a handful of black oncologists?

Sir, don't be so naive. They earned their pizza delivery jobs through hard work, as opposed to having their Mayo Clinic residencies handed to them by affirmative action.

Leviticus 18:22

I bet Anthony would be a lot of fun to hangout with if you could look past all of the race rants and child grooming.

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heh, i bet you little libtards are so jealous of this shindig.


Good one.


I hope Fred gets wasted and downs in the pool.

I think he already has downs

Gavin is basically the right wing version of Ellis.

Venerate the nigger.

Jesus did ant get laser hair removal on his legs?

Where do you think the hair on his head came from?

Lemon Party 2

Ant looks like one of those racist lawn jockeys.

I hate that Gavin thinks he can get away with looking ugly by being cross eyed on every photo. He's still ugly and he just makes himself look like a douche for no reason. He is, but it shouldn't come off from a photo that easily.

Gavin looks like he should have tracks on his arms

I don't know how I never noticed before he has the arms of a 94 year old.

"Hurry up and take the fucking photo already. Our anuses aren't gonna venerate themselves."

Why is Gavin cross eyed and old?

His good friend Sue is missing from the middle age dudes

Red Solo Cups? You're allegedly a millionaire.

That comma after posh was, uneccessary.

"Maurie's wigs don't come off! Even underwater! Tested against hurricane winds!"

Great for catching tranny semen.

I don't know how I never noticed before he has the arms of a 94 year old.