Listen to the anger and jealous opie has for Sam in this clip (33min mark)

44  2017-05-28 by mixand


Gregg has a great pair of integrititties.

I wish pussy Sam would for once stand up for himself. He loved to get everyone else in trouble with opie but when he's on his own he won't fight back.

yeah, he just said oh i understand....

He and Jim are passive aggressive. He'll tell people ERock lied about a sick day and embarrass Scorch, but won't go head on. Opie is the most masculine of he, Anthony, Jim and Sam. How sad is that, a emo cuck with tits is the alpha male of the bunch.

You got your tefft's mixed up.. Tefft Chipperson is a guy on twitter who does photoshops of jim and Sam... braunheiser is the video guy who has a YouTube channel called tefft pattern...

Just another symptom of the Tefftification of the USA

Thanks lol. I did put this clip on there just now

what could opie mean by integrity ?

Absolutely nothing, it his own delusional narrative his mentally ill mind has invented.

Sam has no integrity because he worked under Opie for 10 years. I think it's pretty self explanatory.

typical projecting opie. delusional.

Opie pissed off Howard and then made his lamb chop/head on swivel/beach videos instead of signing his contract in a timely manner... and some how Sam is responsible for the Opster's current sad state

It's never his fault. He's become his mother. With a better set of tits.

His mother was a saint. Imagine having to deal with opie from day 1, that poor woman

Listen to how long he was silent trying to figure out how to word it for maximum hilarity and it still just dribbled out of his retarded mouth like a big load.

What a terrible insult

ME: A little uncomfortable in here booooyyyyyys?!?!

I hate Opie.

I was listening to the "Most Vicious Show Ever" on braun's channel (Tefft Pattern) and the only time the Opester was consistently talking was to make tard jokes at Intern Stevie and to talk about shitting on a beach. A guy who can only get laughs at destroying stuff and lobbing duds at people lower than him at the job and retards talks about integrity.

Pretty sure he brought that nascar bitch in to take the heat off of himself, too.

It always bothers me how Tits would get legitimately mad at like Bobo for not getting a bit or something. Like he is so insecure he needs to talk tough to fucking bobo

I always hated him destroying shit and being an asshole.

None of that was creative, none of that was funny, and it required no talent or skill, just a willingness to be a piece of shit.

Compare that to Bigfoot Embedded on Howard Stern last week. I think Opie might come off better.

That was a Chip line

or Valley Jim, at best.

Instead of being somewhat clever with his "jab," he just keeps repeating the same line like a bumbling ass, while his guys cringe and laugh uncomfortably. Our Gregg is a delusional ingrate.

Just awful.

While he is correct that Sam has no integrity, Opie has no comedic timing

ugh you had to listen to this for 33mins? are you okay?

Fucking Opie. Making me reflexively support Sam.

It's so uncomfortable & not in the "oh no he didn't say that" way.

Even the new gang are walking on Gregg shells.

C'mon Sam. Jocktober this cunt. Do it. Win the everlasting support of this sub

Everlasting meaning until you like use phrase too much in a timeframe so we hate you again. But you'll be awesome for like 5 days

They really need to do one of those. Sam should just do some 15 hour shifts like he used to do for a week and gather up the worst shows on the air right now(including Tits, Tongue and whoever).

He can just make a thread here and I'm sure most of the regulars have some horrible local radio show they can tell him about.

How appropriate that the picture has a bomb going off behind the microphone.

"Things getting a little uncomfortable in here boys?"

My gf asked me why I thought that was so funny I laughed like an ass for a solid 30 seconds.

What's a raqio?

Gregg "The Jerk Store Called" Hughes