How much awful, ambiguous "Chippah/not Chippah" flirting do you think Lauren deals with from Jim off the show?

24  2017-05-28 by Single_Action_Army


Probably not much. Jim is gay

That's common knowledge but he still needs a beard.

I bet Ant tried to fuck and get put down. Harshly

She's too old for Ant

It's not that he's not attracted to adult women also, they just aren't impressed by a 65 year old with dents in his face and a heart attack under his belt who owns an average house in long Island.

Also, the adult women must look like 12 year old boys

She looks kind of masculine with that chin though.

She looks like she could be Jay Leno's daughter.

She tunes out as soon as he starts talking about uber. Like everybody else.

Find the his ex get to write garbage lines for his failed pile of urinated on feces chip cartoon because she sucked his dick once? If this bitch hopes to ever see a bigger more star studded studio with celebrity giants the likes of thick tongued fool Sherrod and "I'll laugh uproariously at anything Opie says" Henley than she better start stabbing those knees up and tend to the tranny lovin keeeeeeid! Go on naaaaw


Chip is raping you babe.

Cut that part out

jim only pretends to not know she's involved ... he went all out until he found out about dave

Probably zero, he's a pretty professional dude behind-the-scenes & has zero self-esteem.

Is that latter part true? Can anyone confirm this?

Look at the way he gets friendzoned and is still like "But we can still take silly selfies together for Twitter right?" Then he tries to make them look like a couple to be ambiguous if they're fucking or not. That's not a man who respects himself.

The Mary Jean interview was actually insightful in that regard. She casually mentioned that Jim constantly makes moves on her, and also mentioned they've done nothing sexual together. Jim didn't deny it either. But instead of embracing having his advances turned down by a porn star, he plays it off like it's this big platonic "movie watching buddy" friendship.

"Let's watch Caligula again."

Lauren is dating Dave Smith off of Legion of Skanks. No, really, she's dating that pontificating, political, cunt.

That is one lucky arabian

Dating's so 90s. I'd fuck her twice and then go out of my way to avoid her.

She said she was married for a few years. I don't know what to believe.

She was when she started on YKWD but she got divorced a few months ago. I would assume all that mediocre comedian cock being thrown her way could strain a marriage.

Wait the comedian part or the cock part is mediocre?

Are they still pretending he's the smartest libertarian of all time when he didn't even know what inoculations were?