The next star signing on Compound Media is announced. This guy's a hoot and tell's it like it is, folks.

3  2017-05-28 by McGowan9


Actually, I'd like to have a couple of pops with this fat fuck.

He's like a fat Polynesian Nick DiPaulo

Except he gets to the point quicker than DiPaolo. No muttering and stuttering. This Islander just flat out says, "I don't like the Blacks."

Real ass dude of the week.

Real ass dude of the week.

He wouldn't be the first bald man on Compound Media with a racist opinion.

Does coming out as a racist feel like coming out as a faot?

Social ostracization and future unemployment aside, that dude looks so relieved to finally let this out.

Sorry POCs can't be racist. Racism = power + privilege + prejudice ÷ low IQ × 10 + √25 + brown skin.

Isn't the square root of 25 just 5.

math is racist. check your privilege.

"Samoans ain't nothing but Some mo niggas" - Paul Mooney

What is this stupid show?

This foat woke!