Here it is. The Custom Jim Norton shirt I ordered. Worst 28 bucks I ever spent.

158  2017-05-27 by [deleted]



You wear that shirt to hide your awful tits, don't you?

Which shirt? Either way the answer is yes.

Shut up and get mad, stupid.

Double shirts cawk sucka!

Now THATS a fawkin joke. It aint easy to im press the chippah. One upvote for you

Every time I see this picture of Jimmy it's looks to me like he paid for a plastic surgery Paul Stanley chin. He's enough of a fanboy to do it.

There certainly is an appearance of a human chin in this picture...the fuck is that about.

Official apparel of NAMBLA

it actually looks OK. maybe if you cutout the background and only left head and shoulders (tsss tssss) it would look even better.

Right. But the cheapest custom shirts just print a shit image, stock size (like the one shown) and iron that on or some shit. These shirts are always terrible.

I just want to know if joe devito is nice in person.

$28? Someone must have forgotten about the additional two item minimum

Service fee? What did they have someone sucking your pekah or sumpthin


chippah like chippah like

when the chippah swings, its a fawkin home run every time, as I'm sure you know.

Fawk yeahh hittin big homas. Bury that cocksucka!

Sticking with the unbuttoned plaid shirt over a t-shirt, huh?

It's a great look for slightly chubby guys like me.

Can you fix my AC unit?

No but I can buy your daughter an iPad.

Too bad there isn't a shirt for those pudgey little digits of yours.

Fingerless gloves are coming back in a big way

It's also the official garb of the Tunisian knife-fighting team.

I fear you've inserted yourself into the wrong body type category.

Tranthony Cumio approves this look

1994 called.....they want their flannel back

And they're running out of you!

That look is in now. Don't ask me why.

You could have spent that $28 on a bj from a girl with an adams apple and we would have hated you less.

Then he could've asked Jim for his autograph afterwards

He could sign the shirt!

That's what I'm about to do. Although the Morton shirt would be good for wiping up all the soon to be spilled semen.

Girls don't have Adam's apples silly.

Looks like the world has passed you by... sniff

You could have made this terrible shirt yourself with any inkjet printer and an iron on transfer sheet.

Looks exactly like what the shirt place did. It's not even cut out or anything. It's just an 8.5x11" iron on transfer.

lmao looks like thats exactly what it is

What a sick, sick, person, you are.

This is my shirt and its fawkin hilarious

Got tired of waiting for those perks, I see...



Nice shirt. Queerbait.

Might be a time this statement actually applies


You hold your phone like a sociopath.

Nice setup.

Jim looks like your uncle that passed away and you're trying to raise funds for his funeral

who raises money for a funeral? chuck em in a potters field and say some words, make it back in time for suppah

The Perks? Finally!

Call me crazy, but I like it.

I actually found a Jim Norton shirt at a thrift store years ago. It was something like "blink twice for yes" or some shit on the front with on the back.

I bet I could guess what size it was in.

I'm going to get a custom shirt with the Vos face.

Such a sweet boy

I tried this in 2000 once and it was already embarrassing.

Everytime you beat your dick you should try to hit Jimmys face.

That cuckhold swindled 60k from his fanbase. I hope he chokes on a engorged tranny cock and the result is he goes blind and contracts gonnaria of the mouth.

haha stupid asshole, it's ur own fault...ur like those retards who buy wrestling t-shirts

Sam and erock?

haha custom jimmy stinks

You'd have been better off investing in a good solid length of rope and a sturdy chair.

It's a great look for slightly chubby guys like me.

There certainly is an appearance of a human chin in this picture...the fuck is that about.

Tranthony Cumio approves this look