Joe Rogan is a truly terrible stand up comedian

32  2017-05-27 by Crownenberg


Tell me something I dont know

You have full blown aids.


You don't appreciate his thought provoking observations of Bimbos?

I liked you better when you screamed "nigger" at the moon.

That's still coming

I was worried for a second

I typically scream "Moon Cricket" at the moon.

Low rent Sam Kinison.

Low Rogan

It's funny because I'm tall.

God, I hate the short.


Floor niggers

Why won't he stop shouting?


Good point, his head does look awful as well.


This should be played every time he has one of those serious talks about the craft of stand up comedy.

I couldn't even press play

Not available in my country

Lucky you.

There's like 5 comedians that are worthwhile and everyone else pretty much sucks

Everyone on here said his last special was shit so I avoided it for months. Finally watched it and thought it was pretty great. That last segment on Bruce Jenner was hilarious. Certainly not a take you're gonna hear from many comedians nowadays.

You are terrible

I try.

I enjoyed it as well.

I was recently called a fag for saying it was best yet. The bar wasn't that high but he seems to be improving

yup, solid special

I haven't watched it but Live from the Tabernacle was an absolute embarrassment and I refuse to believe that he's improved enough for his new one to be good.

The instagram model bit was pretty good.

Most comedians are just like YouTube celebrities who go on tours. People come out to see them because they enjoy their videos or podcasts and not because they live got some weird reverence for stand up comedy.

Because comedy as a stand up professional is dying.

That was an insightful and funny comment. You should try stand-up maaan.

as long as sexually confused ufc fans and potheads pay for his standup, he won't stop.

except Rogan's last special was really good. I have a feeling we have some 6'-3" retarded unemployables on this sub who spend too much time at the gym, jealous about Joe Rogan

The promo for his netflix special had some wonderful jokes such as

"god DAMN this weed out here is good!"


Rogan's street cred:talent disparity is second to none, and it's all based on two things: him confronting Mencia, and his lame, gay bodybuilder bit that Stern loved (shocker), which turned into Joe being in the Jackie chair audition rotation (which he completely bombed at).

And he's the best fight commentator in the world, and he also commentated the Baby Bird video

On my birthday about 3 years ago, I went to see Joey Diaz, Bill Burr, and Rogan at the Ice House. Id never seen Joe do actual stand up, but I always liked him on O&A and whatever else. Bill absolutely ripped that room apart; in fact I'd never seen a comedian crush like that. It was the first time I'd ever heard him do that "helicopter pilot" bit, which is fucking genius.

Joe follows Bill/closes out the show, and comes out with all this "high energy" bullshit but no real substance, trying to follow Bill. You can feel the audience wanting that laughter to keep going, but Joe couldn't even hold a candle to him. I really wanted to laugh because I liked Joe, but he just fucking sucked. You could feel all the air leave the room about 5 minutes into his set, and he did like a painful hour + of material. I was with a huge group of people and 10 minutes in, we all start looking at each other like "it's not just us, right?" That was when I realized Joe stinks.

Him following Burr was like Bruer used to say, Guns N Roses trying to follow Metallica.

nice fake story

Yes that is truly an unbelievable story man...

Sadly, for the citizens of LA, I did my first open mic a few weeks later.

He's soo on the cutting edge of comedy that us civilians will never understand how funny he really is. The way he yells things on stage has never been attempted before.

Maybe taking Onnit will help understand his "comedy" 😐

One of the very worst. Ever. Not a moment of his act seems like a natural or organic thought. He's just a little Mussolini up there, shouting his wacky preprepared speeches at a sea of fools.

Rogan was great on News Radio and Fear Factor,His stand up is awful.

This is why he got famous for hosting a game show where contestants eat horse rectums and bungee jump, not through his stand-up.

Stephen Crowder is much funnier.

You talking about Joe "I got a bit about that" Rogan? Damn near every goddamn podcast of his after someone brings something up Joe interjects with 'I got a bit about that.'

Or he always "has a friend" or "knows someone" who did or tried said thing.

joe is capable of being a decent standup comic. it's just that there are really fuckin bad parts interspersed where joe literally acts like a gay man

his last special wasn't entirely bad imo, a few parts made me laugh irl, which is more than i can say for supposedly "better" comics like bill burr

His stand up is him yelling interesting facts.

"A football has never been made out of pigskin. What the hell is up with that?" (add funny face, cue laughter)

Yesssss someone gets it

he was awesome in willow tho

Saw him live in Boston, laughed maybe once. Ari was far better that nite.

Nah he ain't. He's alright. Which makes him better than most comedians these days.

His audience is would be jiujitsu weekend warriors and i train UFC cucks. He just yells uninteresting unoriginal things and gets applause breaks.
