The way Norton and Rogan parrot the opinions of whoever their talking to at the moment.

8  2017-05-27 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Does anybody else find that fucking enraging? I'll give Rogan some credit because occasionally, instead of going "Woah, that's crazy. Is that true? Bring that up Jamie." he will disagree with somebody truly retarded, like Crowder.

Norton really has no ideological backbone at all though. His opinions just amorphously blorp from one side of an argument to another depending on who's in the room with him.


Coming from the guy that essentially quotes Jim Norton in his first fucking sentence...

I think people were asking other people if things make them angry long before Norton. I could be wrong.

Yes, however it is of no coincidence that your complaint was voiced in the exact manner of the very person you were complaining about for unoriginality.

Repetition makes me feel safe. It's why I visit this purgatory of a subreddit or watch uncle paul videos on youtube for the 5th time in a month.

Finally you embrace your unoriginality! Best thing for you.

Jimmy has become a fag. When Colin called him out for thinking he was Charlie Rose 8 years ago it was the best moment in the history of the show. Jim Morton really is an insufferable ass.

Jimmy on Tough Crowd was the most flag waving "Invade then all and we'll figure it out later" Patriot ever in regards to the Iraq War. It's incredibly bizarre now, especially considering Anthony himself was very against it. Jimmy fell for the pro-war propaganda hook, line and sinker.

Rogan seems to worship knowledge and deep thought yet does not mind having a spar with a guy where they kick each other in the head. Is this a contradiction or is it a well rounded individual? You know, no one gives a crap anyway.

I was watching the RoganCast with Thadeus Russell, and like Joe, I was all on board with this guy until the "gender is a spectrum" talk.

Well, it is. Every culture has their own concept of what it means to be a man or a woman. You can say there is a general template based around traits common to men and women, but that still implies a spectrum. If gender wasn't a spectrum and a cultural convention, there wouldn't be rights of man/womanhood. The tribe would just look at you, realize you're post pubescent and say, "I guess you're a man/woman not."

With the exception of a few small and very primitive tribes the gender spectrum is solely a (((western))) invention.

"Jimmy morphes into whatever container your pour him into" - Mr. O'Neil (rest his soul)