Jimmy's Oslo Show - CANCELLED d/t "security concerns"

17  2017-05-27 by ScoobyDoo4U2

But there still time to get tix to Rich Vos' show tonight!


There afraid Jimmy is going to bomb

You could take out the entire crowd with a single m80.


Your mom's box.

Is this real or just a Vos bait?

The Oslo show was yesterday

Oslo? Why isn't it Ofast or somethin?

Fawkin homerun! Take us out fat ass!!

Tsssss wen they go Oslo we go Oshigh or somethin amirite Joemomma?

yeaa or like, oohslo stedda oslo like oohs n ahhs n stuff.. idk jus riffin.

Fawkin Oshigh you peeca g

i have no idea who this is. is this one of those britfag jokes? your comics suck

that frankie edgy guy is just awful, you cant understand a single word he said

Security concerns .... Like a Jim Norton show's one of the big happenings of the summer. What a maroon.

hes too edgy, two wheel in cumios word

Did anyone actually go to the Oslo show? I'm curious to know how many people attended.

I'd love to know too.

I'd think that Jim would do better in cities that have a big expat population. Rosarita in Mexico is a no-brainer, it only takes 90 minutes to get there from San Diego. Beijing and Shanghai because so many Americans work there.

I live in Oslo and forgot he was coming, plus tickets too expensive.

Yeah, I live in Bergen, there was no way I was flying to Oslo just to see Jimmy

Man, if you live in Bergen there's really no point of going anywhere else anyway.

Seen Vos last night and he killed.

Who the fuck says "d/t" anyway?

Generally speaking, people that live fast and die young

Self-important jackasses who think their time is too valuable to write out "due" and "to."

hey thanks for taking your time to tye that out

For Denmark you can get seats in the 5th row.

In Amsterdam you're gonna have to sit as far back as the 9th row.

You can select seats on Ticketmaster.

I don't think many people know him overseas. It is good to see him venturing out of his comfort zones.

I bought the first two tickets for the Amsterdam show. We couldn't choose the exact seats and didn't want to sit all the way to the left so we tried waiting a few hours until those were taken so we could possibly sit closer to the middle.

So we're sitting in first row all the way to the left.

Man, if you live in Bergen there's really no point of going anywhere else anyway.