Why did anyone think Ant was intelligent?

30  2017-05-27 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Obviously I'm excluding the truckers who think that watching a history channel documentary on hitler makes you a genius.

I just don't understand why Ant was treated like an actual smart person by the OandA fans? What has he ever said or done that would cause anyone to come to that conclusion?


same reason they thought ron bennington and patrice oneal were smart ... they were funny and the fans over inflated every other characteristic

Maybe, but I think you're wrong. Ant was legitimately treated as if he had some kind of deeper insight or understanding of the way the world works... because he screamed about niggers a lot.

The way ant was treated is similar to the way many of the characters in the O&A universe were. If your funny they give you credit for all kind of transcendent intellectual bullshit.

Ant can be very eloquent. People often assume sluddering people are morons and well spoken people are smart. He also didn't shout the same retarded points over and over again when noone responds to them the first time.

Or maybe its because Anthony Patrice and Ron are smart dudes... Maybe they can't convey it the same way as a Hitchens or Peterson could but you cannot get to the position they got to by being stupid.


Two words: Gregg Hughes.

you cannot get to the position they got to by being stupid

There are countless stupid people in better positions than any of them.

Being smart doesn't mean you can't make bad decisions. Anthony is obviously bright and Ron and Patrice are two smart fatasses.

I like Patrice, but the fact that there were people who actually thought he was some sort of hood prophet is just absurd.

I think Patrice's thoughts on women, which he seems to have developed himself (in tandem with people like Dante) are fairly astute and intelligent.

"In tandem with people like Dante" Sir, Dante ripped off just about every thought Patrice ever had about women. He parroted everything Patrice came up with. The thieving cunt still does. It fucking sickens me to no end. Please don't give a thief in the night like Dante any credit on any level regarding anything that Patrice once so brilliantly did as a stand up or radio personality etc. it's a majorly unforgivable insult to both the memory and the legacy of Patrice O'Neal. Thank you.

Patrice wasn't Gandhi, insult his memory and legacy by repeating what he said? "Me and Dante have worked out this shit over years of conversations" etc

Was he lying? Why? He didn't usually seem to

Reminder that Patrice genuinely believed that there are five women alive for every one man.

Ron is way smarter than Ant or Patrice. He has a depth of knowledge when talking about his interests.

Ron is really fucking smart.

Ant has a pretty good grasp on random science and technology info. Some of it might be anecdotal but he seemed to be the most knowledgeable out of the three. Nice try with the hate tho

Ant has the same grasp on random science and technology that I do. Or literally anyone with a casual interest in science or technology.

But compared to mong Opie and small minded Norton he was the smartest in those areas

Anthony has an above average IQ. You need to be on the smart side in order to be funny. Unless, of course, people are just laughing at you for being a retard. Case in point Opie.

As for being a genius or political guru.. no. He mainly just recites Fox News talking points and reagonomics and vague references about the entrepreneur and pulling oneself up by their bootstrap. He's probably never read any of the great Anarchist, Socialist, classical liberal, or Conservative literature out there.

Ant definitely had a quick wit before he eroded his brain with xannys and bud lite.

Well said. He's naturally intelligent/funny and is certainly more literate and conversationally intelligent than his old partner (who is more "educated"), but Anthony, with all his dumb luck and and money, hasn't educated himself. Forget politics and philosophy, I'd bet that he's read less than 100 books in his lifetime. He's bragged about not reading guests' books, even when he had a seven figure radio job. He watches videos and movies, nothing wrong with that, but that can't be all a serious man based his judgements off.

Less than 100? I highly doubt he's ever finished a full book outside of a school assignment.

So the amount of books you read = how smart you are? Anyone could read 1,000 Jodi Picoult novels but that doesn't make you any smarter than someone who reads Popular Mechanics articles.

Anthony at least shows an interest in science and history, unlike Jim, Sam or Opie.

The only way to get truly educated in a subject like historical events is to read literature about them. You'd have to be a real dunderhead to not know this.

or listen to lectures, there other ways to learn rather than simply reading

why would he go back to get his GED? He already had a 7 figure job Sirius wasn't going to pay him more because of it, it would have been a waste of time.

Nobody doubts he's intelligent, he's just not well educated and has surrounded himself by stupid people and that made his ego think he's way smarter than he is and thus you get a stunted retard with a ton of lackeys. King of Shit Castle.

I do that think he's ever read a book about anything. He's such a self-proclaimed WW2 buff, but his knowledge is all framed by lazy documentary perspective. If you read any historians accounts, or especially accounts written by soldiers, you see no one viewed it as a glorious affair. It was a horrifying, depressing, nightmarish experience for almost everyone.

That's an interesting observation. People who really understand war despise it. Dummies who watch fluffy documentaries think war is honorable. Anthony very clearly falls into the second group.

That said, I dont read long form books either. Bore me to death with that shit.

One of the things that really surprised me when I started reading soldiers memoirs, was how keenly cynical they quickly become. If you're interested I'd recommend picking up With the Old Breed. It's a soldiers account of his tours in the South Pacific, and the basis of the HBO series The Pacific. A very easy, interesting and enlightening read. Quickly dispels a lot of myths that guys like Tranth have about patriotism and what service in real war meant to the men who fought, and what it really felt like.

He's probably never read any of the great Anarchist, Socialist, classical liberal, or Conservative literature out there.

reddit intellectual lmfao

You need to be on the smart side in order to be funny.

Heresh the thing

Louie Beans I have a 141 IQ

Anthony has an above average IQ.

For his demographic, sure. Not across the entire population.

Ant's pretty smart, but as he has said the only thing he ever reads on paper is Popular Mechanic.

And plea bargains.

*tl;dr of a plea bargain that his lawyer made for him for $5k

Because he obviously is.

"Semantic memory" and intelligence aren't distinguishable. Anthony remembers a lot more shit than most people do, and it all means something to him; he recalls things non-mnemonically. He doesn't memorize or study anything and he has no specific expertise, but his brain works on all the material it encounters, ties trivia together conceptually, makes its own sauce, etc.

The average person has Opie brain.

Ant definitely has a good memory.

Did you just invent a method for creating prodigies?

This. He seems to remember dates, times and small details which makes him seem more intelligent than he is. He'd be a killer 'trivia night' type of guy but ask him to expand on any of these things and you'll barely get anything

That doesn't make him smart. I do the same shit and have brain damage. Ant is just curious, and tries to learn when he doesn't know something. Jim and Opie are just moronic idiots, I think ant is the norm.

No one but Jim Norton ever thought Ant was smart.

He had a Professor Anthony jingle for a bit, so others thought he was smart

Ant a dude who knows a little bit about a lot of shit. And when doing 20 hours of radio a week for 15 years with two dunces, that jack of all trades knowledge came in handy. Plus he has/had it in him to be the funniest guy in any room.

Ant was certainly able to talk about lots of shit on the air, but I don't think his jack of all trades knowledge would even remotely translate into the real world.

He liked talking about aviation, but if you gave him every part necessary and the books needed to understand the process, do you think he could build a working plane?

Nobody thought he could go on CERN's podcast and not embarrass himself. They thought he was smart for a high school drop out.

People mistake knowledge for intellect. Anth knows a lot about certain things because he watches documentaries and shit but he doesn't have the brain power to come up with his own intelligent thoughts.

I guess we all do to a certain extent. Though I can't see Ant developing any green technology that would save humanity though because A) thinks man made climate change is horseshit, and B) has too much African American in his DNA.

Exxon's scientists knew about climate change since the 70's. There's internal documents explaining that is real. Big tobacco and oil used the same PR company H+K Knowlton to spread doubt. Exxon still continues to pay climate change skeptic groups tens of millions and are basically keeping the debate alive along with the evangelicals. Whatever dumb argument Anthony tweets denying climate change most likely came from someone who was paid by Exxon. There's barely any scientists that deny it and the ones that do are rewarded for their opinions. Yeah I know I sound like Ohh haha yeah alright you believe that? My government has lied to me so many times in the past, the Gulf of Tonkin!

This is an excellent point, you just opened my mind, Joe Rogan style sir (DMT deep)-- Intelligence vs. Intellect. He has way more intellect than the former, which is NOT the same.

It's intelligence or knowledge ya doofus, intellect and intelligence is synonymous.

He did say knowledge yes, I guess was a little off base there, but intelligence and intellect are actually not synonymous exactly


Anyway, whatever. My head is starting to spin. So let's just go with truckers think he's smart but he's gay

That's just a blog of a dude saying they shouldn't be synonymous because it gives him a reason to deconstruct and pontificate the words. But they are in actuality synonyms.

At the end of the day it's semantics, but if you want to get your point across in a clear manner it's best to choose words that aren't as close to one another. There are always better options out there. Ideally you want to go with something clearly appropriate than something vague that might only make sense in your head.


It is all relative. I mean he had Opie as a co-host, so of course he's going to appear smarter than him. As for Jim, is familiarity with pop culture sorts of things is so shallow that Ant appeared to be a well of knowledge in comparison.

You're telling me that being able to recite the lyrics, duration and year of publication for every KISS, Sabbath and Ozzy song doesn't translate well to general pop culture humor?

I can forgive him some Sabbath but Kiss really is rock for kids.

I can't fathom how someone could legitimately be a fan of KISS.

Well I can't fathom how someone would pay to have a tranny defecate on his chest but that's Jimmy for ya.

You seem to be closed minded.

Oh yeah you're dressed like Linderman from My Bodyguard, you look like Lamotta in raging bull, I wish you'd do like R bud Dwyer.

Jimmy was all over "Making Out" from Mad magazine!

That's no way to talk about Professor Anthony

When you look like Ant, being smart and witty is your only way to pussy.

One time when Nier Degrasse Tyson was in studio Ant was the only one who understood the relativity of time and was able to put it in layman's terms, of course to no avail.

I remember one time Patrice thought he understood relativity and spacetime, and his explanation was completely cringeworthy.

The bigger question is why do you think you are smarter than Ant, Mr Ivy-League? The guy went from being a funny tin-knocker to multimillionaire on his wit alone. What have you done with your life?

Well, I'm still in my twenties and have smoked crack with my mother, so I think I have the edge on Ant at this stage in our respective lives.

You're not wrong.

Congrats. Glad to hear you're morally superior than low-rent Long Island white trash. Plz preach moar.

It has nothing to do with morals. I'm just smart enough not to do crack. Me-1 Ant-0.

Me neither but that doesn't make your case.. You have to take into account that crack was new back in the 80's. lots of people were still unaware of the severity of it. I can even recall Ant talking to Vos about how quickly after you smoke crack you know that shit is bad for you.

Either way, I think your arguments are poorly thought out horseshit and desperately vying for some positive reinforcement. Plz continue to tell us how Ant is a crack smoking Tunesian and how stupid he is. Such an edgy and refreshing take.

Crack and coke are the same high, but crack is cheaper. If you're snorting blow instead of smoking rock, you're not smart.

easy there bud, crack is a lot more intense and short lasting. it's a great way to fry your dopamine receptors as well as getting rid of teeth. if that's how you want to justify smoking crack then i think you might be the dumb one.

There's nothing crack can do to you that coke can't. People who drugs for the image snort them; people who do them because they want to get high smoke or inject them.

It was free base maaaannnnn. Totally different thing.

haven't smoked crack with my mother

You haven't lived

Ant got retarded after Stetten dumped him.

Stetten's pussy keeps men sane. You've heard it here first.

Ant's fairly sharp, but he'll never not be white trash with Dad issues.

He's type of person that would be good in a pub quiz but when it comes to actually knowing a subject matter in depth it all falls apart usually.

Forget Aristotle and fuck Socrates.

Watching world war 2 docs on the history channel doesn't make you smart. It means you are an old boring wop. He only seems intelligent because he was in a room with two mental midgets for most of his career.

Intelligent compared with Opie. No one thought he was "intelligent" in his own right. You'd be surprised what being sat next to Gregg Hughes will do for perceptions.

People confuse an interest in knowledge and trivia with intelligence all the time.

I was 16 when I first heard his opinions, they were different to the bullshit people were telling me in school.

they didn't. You did, now you regret it, and you assume everyone was that way.

Ant is smart in that he was a funny/creative type who rose above his background. In this sense, he is like a Patrice (who I think was probably at another level than Ant). Still, Ant's problem is that he really can't use his genuine "smarts" to break from his depressingly dumb/backwards Long Island Italian-American working class background.

As a black man he did have insight into African Americans

He should be a smart guy but took the wrong path in life and doesn't value actual education.

that "wrong path" made him a millionaire

Ant is a consumer, just like erock. Erick stuffs his face with white bread carbs and cartoons, Ant consumes his alcohol and 24/7 cable news cycle.

everyone is a consumer

"He knows a little about a lot of things."

is that you F. Scott Fitzgerald

He remembered the ring a round the collar Ad

Ant definitely had a quick wit before he eroded his brain with xannys and bud lite.

Well said. He's naturally intelligent/funny and is certainly more literate and conversationally intelligent than his old partner (who is more "educated"), but Anthony, with all his dumb luck and and money, hasn't educated himself. Forget politics and philosophy, I'd bet that he's read less than 100 books in his lifetime. He's bragged about not reading guests' books, even when he had a seven figure radio job. He watches videos and movies, nothing wrong with that, but that can't be all a serious man based his judgements off.

It's intelligence or knowledge ya doofus, intellect and intelligence is synonymous.

Nobody doubts he's intelligent, he's just not well educated and has surrounded himself by stupid people and that made his ego think he's way smarter than he is and thus you get a stunted retard with a ton of lackeys. King of Shit Castle.

I do that think he's ever read a book about anything. He's such a self-proclaimed WW2 buff, but his knowledge is all framed by lazy documentary perspective. If you read any historians accounts, or especially accounts written by soldiers, you see no one viewed it as a glorious affair. It was a horrifying, depressing, nightmarish experience for almost everyone.

He's probably never read any of the great Anarchist, Socialist, classical liberal, or Conservative literature out there.

reddit intellectual lmfao

You need to be on the smart side in order to be funny.

Heresh the thing

Anthony has an above average IQ.

For his demographic, sure. Not across the entire population.