Some slope over at /r/AsianMasculinity made a sub dedicated to O&A - Must eat dog to join

17  2017-05-27 by crookedmile


Fucking chinks calling us losers. As least our eyes open all the way.

I'm humbled and excited at the same time.

They have the thinnest fucking skin in that sub.

I tried posing as an Asian man and asking for fashion tips on how to make my genital region appear larger.

A few bit, but it devolved into bizarrely lame insults pretty quickly. Before I was banned one gentlemen insinuated that I shop in IKEA like a fag and another expressed his condolences for how salty my white pork-like skin must be.

I made a post a little bit ago that told them I will give them inside info about this sub IF they help me get a cutie Asian GF. If they come through and accept my offer I'm not gonna sleep till I get this sub shut down.

Later nerds, I got a REAL waifu to hang with now.

IKEA seems to be some inside insult to them. My gook girlfriend loves that place.

Nothing less masculine then frequenting sub to show how masculine you are.

Imagine having a life so empty you have to obsessively spend all your free time writing about how problematic WMAF relationships are and cry about how victimized Asian men are in America. Project much?

Ah, you read his submission history as well.

I really just assumed it based on the board he posts on. I have read a few post histories of guys on the Hapa board and it is the saddest shit ever. What a warped, joyless perspective on the world.

Also, Han Chinese alone make up 18% of the world's population, but since a few of these fags can't get laid they blame the evil white man.

How can Asian men have any masculinity when they have such tiny dicks?

Short, slanty eyes, weak bodies, little dicks and their women like white men and black men more. Poor little yellow bastards.

Frank Yang is what every shrimp dick wishes they could be.

I need sauce on that immediately.

No clue where it came from and who she is. A buddy of mine sent me the link a few weeks ago. Had to dig through my e-mail to find it. He's a bit of a nut, sends me links to nice things but mainly horrific shit, going all the way back to the 90's and a video of a woman sucking a horses cock and choking when it came.

Her name is either ling ling panda 16 or ling ling 16. Found her already.

lol good hunting. I didn't think about her until I saw the asian masculinity thing and remembered my buddy had sent me a link to her pic. I still prefer Ku for my asian side piece.

You're a pleb ass bitch then. Esther has nothing on Anri Okita. Her tits are real btw and they are amazing.

Did you change your flair just to link this? Don't get me wrong btw, that broad is phenomenal.

No it's been this for a week.

lingxo16 for anyone else looking

i do business with these dinks in their own country, they are the willful, eager cucks of the white man

Korea, Japan or China?

I work for an engineering firm helping Chinese mines in central and north china

That's​ cool, I bet having to go to inner Mongolia sucks though. I have never been to mainland China but all the viets, Taiwanese and people from Hong Kong I met hate the mainlanders. Can't say I blame them the tour groups I saw of them they were trash people.

Are you the Tesla owner btw?

where i work is barren and isolated and almost completely grey from horizon too horizon, but I would never choose to visit anywhere in China but Hong-Kong or Macau. As for the people in the mainland they are culture-less, rude drones. No I don't own a car at all.

I'm actually super fascinated by mainland China's culture less society. It's really bizarre how they just let all their history and Temple's and such go down the drain because of Mao. Hong Kong and Taipei are beautiful cities that look exactly how you picture Asia in your head. But from the pics of mainland I've seen it looks like if you told autists to make the cheapest, most efficient and soulless buildings in the world

around where I work (hushi) the government remains extremely communist and brutally authoritarian, and its is essentially marshal law 24/7-365. the government has a cruel adherence to efficiency; its also why I am there. Hong Kong is truly another country with a fun culture and environment and unlike the mainland fluent English is common

I've heard most second and third tier cities are like that outside of the North East Beijing economic area. Vietnam while being a great place still has the old school Communist shit going on sometimes, like when the bars close in Hanoi the police roll up and down the street with a loud speaker telling everyone to get out and get the fuck home and they'll rack you and the owners head if you are caught inside past closing hour.

My girl cousin dropped out of society and moved too Vietnam and she says its really liberal and free and conducive to a hippy life style ... would you agree ? how is the state of public safety vs the general freedoms of the citizens ?

Personal freedom for citizens is generally on par with America. But for awhile(this is still the case in Thailand) foreigners could not own anything but a apartment as long as that apartment wasn't ground floor.

It's funny that she says it's hippy cause it certainly isn't.

South East Asian despite it's reputation has very conservative values. For instance no foreigner can take any unskilled or skilled position that a native can fulfill (rule in basically every SEA country), also drugs are a fucking no no in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam especially, you can get life for less than an ounce of weed.

Welfare is non existent, it is illegal for a foreigner to have sex with a girl in Laos and only about 10% of an apartments occupants may be foreingers.

They all hate Muslims and blacks and even have signs at some bars that say "NO ARABS" and they have a caste society (not as bad as India but still) upper class people do not mingle with common folk and a man or woman of upper class marrying a lower class person is seen as shameful and worthy of basically excommunicating them from the family. You also can only become a citizen if your bank account has enough money and have a clean record and even then basically they only take in whites and other Asians.

Thanks, I will be sure to piss on her parade next time she skype's to talk about how harmonious and tolerant it is. I have a friend in Thailand who is a loan-shark and he described much the same as you.

No problem but she will probably won't accept it, a bunch of liberal faggots move there, make an enclave and think the people like them because they smile while charging them triple for a taxi ride or food that a native pays. She'll always be a ngaoi to them though.

I'm actually super fascinated by mainland China's culture less society. It's really bizarre how they just let all their history and Temple's and such go down the drain because of Mao. Hong Kong and Taipei are beautiful cities that look exactly how you picture Asia in your head. But from the pics of mainland I've seen it looks like if you told autists to make the cheapest, most efficient and soulless buildings in the world

What's the difference?

I'm torn on whose side to join in this fight.

There's the white side, and the wong side.

Pretty sure Opie also got indicted for rape and assault.



I don't know who these guys are but if they want to help expose rapist Opie I'm all in.

masculinity is a fancy way of saying you like man on man sex.

They have the thinnest fucking skin in that sub.

I tried posing as an Asian man and asking for fashion tips on how to make my genital region appear larger.

A few bit, but it devolved into bizarrely lame insults pretty quickly. Before I was banned one gentlemen insinuated that I shop in IKEA like a fag and another expressed his condolences for how salty my white pork-like skin must be.

If they're going to create a sub specifically to bash us, they should at least let us post.

I have a whole series of pubmed articles detailing genetic/biological reasons as to why Asian men are less masculine than the rest of the world.

Last I checked, we are an Esther Ku themed subreddit. Who's "O and A"?

Do they like Elliot Roger, or no?

Are asians even really people?

This could be our back up sub niggas

Please subscribe to /r/MediumRarePuppers

Ah, you read his submission history as well.

I need sauce on that immediately.