The sub got a little heat yesterday from "those people" in some DJ's AMA.

27  2017-05-26 by DickPunchOpie


In case you care to read more.

He doesn't reveal anything that O&A haven't been discussing for years.

Tell em Fred.

I was hoping O&A would be brought up during that for-shit AMA.

Even in text form you can actually feel the anger and hate from the one poster who says "/opieandanthony....We don't go there anymore". THAT reaction is what makes this place what it is

Bunch of church ladies...

Almost like they were not fans of the type of humor that was on O&A back when it was good.

"I used to be a fan of O&A, but all their fans want to talk about is race, hacks, and AIDS. How far they've fallen."

It's just some loser trying to impress his audience. They know they would get downvoted for praising this sub in that gay AMA thread.

Yeah...thats like the friend who starts dating a 6 and she tells him he can't hang out with his friends anymore.

a 6 to the 7 or a six to the 5?

definitely the 5

Why doesn't that guy come back here and shut up.

What group of ppl do u think that child molesting, pickle smoocher was referring to.... when he said "we" don't go there anymore...

We really are the worst though

Not really. You saw all those mourning a couple days ago?

very bad people, mourners

I'd personally calm them LOSERS. MAGAs

There's a tree on my house!

Do you wanna see the boat movie?

it's sort of like a battery car!

This subreddit is not a safe space, gotta keep your head on a swivel.

keep your head on a swivel

So much so that your neck breaks hopefully


let me guess those people are from functional lives/families well go fuck yourself

"but a lot why away"

Why do I feel the need to re-read something 5 times before I decide it doesn't deserve my time because it's incomprehensible dog shit.

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

Probably meant "shy" instead of "why".

peesa G's

You guys are the worst

You've tried the worst, now try the blurst!

Here are some statistics on race and crime.

When I started reading reddit I was pretty much a left-libertarian, and my general feeling about degeneracy was just, "who am I to judge? What goes on behind closed doors is none of my business". But ironically, through exposure to what that actually means, which this site has to a large extent facilitated, I've just kept going further and further right to the point that now I'm basically alt-right, libertarian separatist, Hans Herman Hoppe, gas the cucks, and this site's users are largely to blame.

At this point, this sub and r/cringeanarchy are the only places I can go where the comments don't make me want to pack up and leave the US, or at least flee to the safety of the Pacific Northwest woods. For every self-righteous back-slapping faggot I see on r/pics telling everyone how fantastic their muslim neighbors are, or on r/politics explaining how "well, actually, white people account for almost 50% of welfare rolls in the US, so calling it a 'black issue' is inaccurate", I have to come here or to cringeanarchy to cleanse myself of their (((degenerate))) influence. I literally got muted and called a "neo-nazi" by a fucking mod of a default sub - it was either r/pics or r/politics, I can't remember - because a guy tried to tell me that almost all welfare in the US goes to whites. Of course, that kind of claim is to be tolerated if not encouraged. But when I responded with actual links and sources showing that when one particularly "soulful" minority group is 13% of the population, but gets over 50% of the welfare, that means that they're claiming welfare at vastly higher rates than a group that's 70% of the population who only gets 40% of the welfare. For saying this - which amounted to quoting government figures and applying basic logic to them - I found I was muted from the sub and got a PM from a mod telling me that "we won't tolerate your neo-nazi shit in this sub. Muted until you become less ignorant", and that's almost verbatim.

The idea of switching to VOAT isn't very appealing at this point, largely because even I can get uncomfortable when I'm the least antisemitic person in the thread, and I don't want to just spent time in an echo chamber. But I wish there was a better way to contain and segregate the degenerate snowflake college student population of the site, where they were all relegated to the same 4 or 5 subs and could contain their West-destroying tolerance Olympics to a few isolated places, mainly so I wouldn't be greeted by a few pages of "Trump is a Russian agent" shitposts every time I open the site to r/all.

Shut up fag

I love this place

nobody cares, nigger

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

dear diary

Bringing that particular stat to the attention of r/politics is one thing, but it's hard to argue that you're being inaccurately painted as a "neo-Nazi" when you're going on about Jewish degeneracy and gassing cucks.


Oof eye nye

Just tell us where not to be on the day you finally snap

Country Buffet

Most likely

Who the fuck cares about your ideological progression. The fuck is this. The longest answer to a question no one ever asked.

Well, I'm not the worst. He meant you guys.

my recruitment drive did not go so well.

My feefees

I like that the rest of reddit takes this shithole so seriously.

Theyre a fruitcake but accurate

I'm heatin up over here...

Aww, how sweet – we are "the worst" you guys..