What do you think the chances are of Opie getting fired before October?

1  2017-05-26 by AnthonyCumiasGaySon


Not good. They forgot he still works for them.

Pretty high. He's a fucking money pit at this point. I could yell "nigger!" on a bus and it would reach more listeners than Opie's show and have a better chance of going viral.

Lmao you're right. Opie fuckin stinks.

SiriusXM refuse to pay for ratings, as that would sink their Ponzi scheme, and so they have no idea how many people listen to Opie's show.

They could figure out whether he's important or not by looking at who his guests are - big-name stars have PR people who know exactly how important each show is, and will only send their clients to the most popular ones for their demographic, hence the difference between Howard's guests and Opie's. Or, they could make a guess based on social media engagement, like /u/CakeHornCardholder1 does; or even traffic to their website featuring Opie's name. Or they could look on this sub. But any of those things would require effort and smarts on SiriusXM's part, so he's fine.

With the way radio hosts linger, he'll be around for 15 more years.

Radio guys never seem to retire.

Judging by his tweets tonight, not anytime soon