Jimmy needs a "Breetbart" pronunciation intervention.

5  2017-05-25 by panjshirlion

It was forgivable back before the election news cycle when the correct pronunciation was broadcast constantly.


I uhhhhh was reading an article on ummmmmm uh Breeetbart and it was uhhhhhhh very interesting cause y'know ummmmmm uhhhhhhhhh

He does it with Ari Shaffir too, he says it AirE...

And with Yiannopoulos, it's not "Mee-lo" but "campy fag whose fifteen minutes are up".

he should tweet Vincent D'Onofrio and ask for help.

He can't pronounce rye or he might have a relapse

Did he get blown up in Europe yet?

I remember Opie saying breetbart in like 2011 and thinking what a moron he was for it. Obviously where jimmy got it from because other than them I haven't heard a single other person say breetbart since that name has been relevant.