My Latest rant on Cultural Appropriation

0  2017-05-25 by Joyomi

This PISSED me the fuck off, so I had to make a video about it. 2 white girls in Hipster Faggot Portland Burrito shop closed because of Idiots. I don't care if people say my videos are shitty, or I'm a faggot, this has to be known.


I still want to fart on your face.

Let me get my popcorn

I'll get the lube

Keep 'em coming, even Brian Gilgore faced a little adversity at first

No way, that man was a day 1 natural talent.

Who is Brian Gilgore? I've heard of him and people post his name, I've looked him up but could find anything on him.

That's because his name is Brain, host of the very popular podcast "Brain on the Brink"

I know this because if his name was Brian then he would have done the sensible thing while making a podcast and name it "Brian on the Brink" but he did not


Read the article before the video you queer

I did read it.

Your shifty schizo eyes couldn't focus long enough to read

Aww sheeit!

Tell em, joyomi! That faggot can go fuck himself.

You should do a video on how the kikes use third world "refugees" and niggers to subvert traditionally white societies.

I try not to do overly racial topics. But there is some truth to that.

I know there is!

We need someone like you that is willong to expose the truth.

Official correspondent for the O&A sub?

We could pay him with all our excess reddit gold now that knickers is gone.

He was 14 personas old

Yes please do that u/joyomi

these videos suck. The point of this sub is that were anonymous and dont show our hideous faces but say mean things to each other out of love. This wont be out of love; stop posting videos you untalented worthless unoriginal opinionated faggot.

Want to see a cute pic of my Jack Russell Terrier???

Only if you put a funny dog hat on it

And only if I can send out the Hat Removal Team to punch it off your shitty dog.

Hey fucker, my dog is awesome!

Fuck you and fuck your fag dog, Frasier Crane.

It was Martin Crane's dog dummy.

Hey, fuck you!

You're hate does not affect me. My opinion is strong on the subject.

*Your, fawkin idiot

lol, what a faggot

If you dont care what we think, why even post it here

Well I do, but I don't care if you call me Autistic, Faggot, stuff like that.

your videos stink


I have a feeling one day CNN will be showing excerpts from these videos.

at least cultural appropriation is more real than fuckin ghost hunting

Did they up your Paxil dose? You look considerable less psychotic here.

You have the charisma of a corpse.

I'm sticking with my assumption that this is some prolonged troll aimed at mocking this sub's general attitude on certain topics. But the autistic look on his face coupled with the hideously bland room he is in makes me want this to be an honest effort by a genuine sociopath.

A genuine sociopath would be far more charismatic. My money's on schizoid

I feel like there is way more to this story, because nobody would accuse you of culture appropriation for making burritos. But I'm too lazy to read about this stupid shit.

There really isn't. You have to remember Portland is ultra Liberal who get offended over stupid shit like this. I've read it, and now spreading my opinion over this nonsense.

No one wants to see these, you nothing.

Well, don't watch or post comments then, faggot.

You have yet to receive any positive reception for these videos from this sub. That should tell you something.

I have actually had a few positive responses.

In general, though, the consensus seems to be that you suck, and should stop wasting this sub's time with your YouTube pursuits.

i was saying boo urns

Stop upvoting your own comments, you autistic fag.

I haven't upvoted anything. I don't even know what that does, I don't use Reddit a lot.

No, you have not. You seem like a nice kid, but if you post another one of these shit videos here again, I'll have no choice but to dox you.

Ok, I will stop for now. Why would you want to dox me though?

Kill yourself.

You're a faggot sir.

No need to be rude.

Can you please stop using the F word.. this is a Jason Ellis themed sub Reddit and your hate is not welcome here

I wish someone would appropriate a sledge hammer the the back of your head 3 or 4 times /u/joyomi

Don't be so violent. Aren't one of my followers?

I wouldn't follow you into a whorehouse if you gave me 3000 dollars. Your videos are absolutely terrible. Try writing a blog or something instead because your spoken word doesn't convey any of the emotions that you describe. Maybe if you write and take your time you could actually make a salient point. Please man, stop posting these pieces of shit here.

Cmon there not that terrible, are they?

It's not that your points are off the mark. It's that you have the charisma of a dead moth.

Would you say that he needs to Jazz It UpTM?

Our own Intern David.

Dude, I'll give you some honest advice instead of just trashing you.

Vlogging is not for you. And you could work and work and work to get better, but you're still not gonna be very good at it. The delivery is extremely monotone, you say it PISSED you the fuck off so you HAD to make a video about it, but then you have all the excitement of a shy 8th grader giving a presentation in front of the class.

What you're saying is repetitive, to where the same points are being repeated again and again as you go around in circles saying the same shit. At least do some sort of planning before turning the camera to record, and that's not "I read a news article I want to talk about!", but like bullet points that help direct the flow of what you're saying.

What are you hoping to accomplish by doing these videos? You still seem young and in this culture I'd hate to put my real name and face on anything anti-SJW, as you never know when that shit will bite you in the ass in the future. You're not ugly enough or mean enough to really get any attention, just some awkward guy who can't speak properly and enjoys mario kart and monster movies. So what's the point? At least Milo made money doing what he did.

So legit dude, what's the end goal here? To entertain the sub? Fuck the sub, bunch of racist simpleton addicts who occasionally throw out a good line about Amy Schumer. Any aspirations beyond that simply aren't gonna happen friend.

Well thank you for the advice. I guess I started doing this as a hobby, curious to see how many people would watch and comment. I am also a fan of opie and Anthony, and Stern. I have no real goal, just doing it because I can. I think I could get better though.

It's tough to teach charisma, and you really don't have enough of it to do this sort of thing. We make fun of youtube celebrities but they do have that "razzle dazzle" element to their personalities that bring in the viewers.

And I mean dude, if things got sticky I could delete this reddit account and start anew in 3 minutes - would suck to lose the karma and r/richvos but it's worth it to protect my reputation. But you're on youtube saying anti-SJW opinions? The most maddening thing about SJWs is that they always win. You land your dream job in 10 years but some miserable cunt gets a stick up her ass about you and decides she's going to spend time doing "research" on you. You think HR is gonna side with you or her? They'll side with her and she'll give you a giant "I won" smirk as you leave the office in shame. Don't be a Brother Joe. Keep the hate anonymous.

Yeah I know what you mean. I deleted pretty much all of my past videos, one in particular was getting a lot of hate, and a guy posted a fellow employees name and number in the comments. It was my own stupidity because I filmed the videos inside my office at work lol. I could have got fired if anyone seen those videos.

I can almost guarantee you that someone here has a copy of your deleted video and your coworker's information in the hopes of soon blackmailing you for a few grams of kratom.

I actually googled the names and phone numbers he had written on his little white board a few days ago. Didn't save any of it though

That's exactly why I deleted those videos. Some angry assholes on my Last Man Standing video was threatening me lol.

I'm sure no one here would dox you. For all of our faults, I don't think we're snitches.

Get drunk before your next rant. That honestly might help

I have never drunk before, and I don't do drugs.

Buy some grapefruit beers, it seems to help opie

great job! keep em coming

dont listen to the haterz

are those original norman rockwells on your wall?

Thank you for this. Keep them coming.

You have unopened dolls and a video game poster on your wall.

Horror action figures, what's wrong with that?

Don't let these jerks discourage you man. I think the reason you're not gaining any traction around here is because you're diving into such heavy topics. Try doing some food reviews first as to gain some fans

I might actually do that, I'm a big fan of JoeysworldTour, Food Use, and that kid who wears a tuxedo in his videos. I might test out Taco Bell's experimental foods. Thanks

For sure dude. I'd like to see maybe some music reviews too. You'd be way better than the down syndrome dude from the needle drop

Yeah I don't like Anthony Fontana either.

I want to stomp all of those childrens toys hanging up on your wall