Everything Ant has in common with the black culture he hates.

10  2017-05-25 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I know the boys used to love a good list so I thought I would come up with one.

-Parents were degenerates.

-Dad was a deadbeat drunk who abused Ant, Ant's mom and Ant's siblings.

-Single mom who sold her body.

-High school drop out and no higher education.

-Every job he had other than radio was a menial job.

-He lost every job that wasn't menial labor.

-Sold and smoked crack.(with his mother)

-Had a failed music career.

-Became successful as an entertainer, rather than doing anything for the betterment of society.

-When he became successful, he moved to wealthy white neighborhood.

-Alcohol and drug abuser.

-Hates black women

-Only dates unattractive, emotionally damaged white women with daddy issues.

-Abuses women

-Generally degrades and denigrates women.

-Spends money frivolously, usually on status symbols such as guns, cars, mcmansions, video games and alcohol.

-Has an entourage of even more pathetic hanger-ons who financially leach off of him.

-Family members on welfare.

-Is easily angered and becomes aggressive.

If you can think of anymore, add them to the list.


-Is wholly dedicated to his gang and spends all his time taking potshots at the other gang

-drives an escalade

-Is of African descent

-wasnt in the control room of the moon landing

-Degenerate gambler

--has a multi colored big cock

-Takes selfies with guns

  • Doesn't like gay people.

Oh c'mon. That's just rational behavior.

-gets fired because he won't behave.

Stole car parts