All women are faggots 1 of 100

28  2017-05-25 by [deleted]



I'm not Anthony Cumia. I don't chat up high school girls.

I realise I could basically pick any thread at all posted on /r/TwoXChromosomes so fuck it

The top one on there at the minute is fucking ridiculousridiculous

Women stink.

All of these text posts are like mini-essays. It's a subreddit for babbling hens.

You're damn skippy it wasn't.

He was too busy getting his container of coffee and lunch pale so he could do an honest day's work and put some food on the table.

This cracked me up on second reading, reminds me why I come to this shitty subreddit

Who do they think created this overbearing school enviornment where every social action is nitpicked and controlled? It wasn't Ted down at the job site.

  • women get jealous of other women, create a dress code (or nag until one is enforced)

  • other women view this as oppresive, and blame men.

the circle of nothing continues.

"Big wave surfer Laird Hamilton claims surfing on your period puts you at risk of shark attacks"

I don't see what surfing has to do with getting in the god damn kitchen and baking me a pie but what do I know.

It seems obvious to me that it would be very easy to trick women into being eaten by sharks.

Is there anything worse than the edit on a post with the fake humble gratitude "wow! Thanks for the gold and all the positive feedback! I'm so overwhelmed with joy and happiness!!"

You're not accepting an Academy Award, you cunt.

"Wow! You gave a website 3 entire dollars on my behalf!"

I hate that, and it's common on reddit.

But I hate it far more when I see it on YouTube when people upload a fucking hit song.

Someone uploads Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones and say "WOW I can't believe it 50 million views thank you all so much". I wanna their head to bounce off a steel car bumper.

"I sat on the bus feeling my face and hands grow hot and sweaty. I can't describe the feeling, but it sucked."

I'll take a guess and say that it was a mixture of anger and embarrassment. Not that hard to describe, you fucking moronic twat.

The other day I saw a post on that sub that was titled "My boyfriend choked me for the second time last night, but swears he'll never do it again. Should I take him back?"

Women are such hateable fucking cunts. How can it be surprising to them that absolutely no one respects them.

It's okay so long as it wasn't a straight white male.

"I can change him!"

Can ya?

/u/bordeauxandboujee You are disgusting and have eczema It's a miracle that brave young boy was nice enough to offer to eat you out.

Shave your arms, lady.

You guys are fucking scumbags this is a kid in highschool isn't it? What, everybody has to be as miserable as you faggots since learning there's nothing lovable about yourselves?

/u/bordeauxandboujee we'd love to have you on the next Brain on the Brink podcast, We can discuss your current 'situation' in a professional & respectful manner. The BotB podacast on soundcloud is growing in popularity at an incredible rate, so it's time we include some femininity on our airwaves!

Keep on brinkin'.

I'm going to start campaigning for a banning of all mention of brain on the brink or that fat faggot Brian Gilgore.

ewww she's grody

/u/bordeauxandboujee getting annoyed by sound isn't a mental disorder. Stop treating your irascible personality as another reason to be a whiny victim.

the thread about "crippling misophonia" makes me wonder if all the eugenics advocates didn't have a point.

Did jason ellis write that?

This is what modern life has descended into. Virtue signalling and making up stories on the Internet to boost your ego.

I bet if most of these cunts saw an old lady struggling to cross a street they'd ignore her. I know I'd do the right thing and kick the old bitch to the kerb.

What's a kerb

Google it dummy.

There's no need to resort to name calling sir I was just asking

Watch American history X to learn what it is

I noticed recently that 90% of the posts on /r/thathappened are posts by women. Even their fantasy comebacks and imaginary "and then everyone clapped" moments are pathetic.

I suppose you can't blame some of these people. It must be rough not having a real job or anything important to do with your time. You get stir crazy feeling so worthless, and then one day, before you realize, you're just posting made up stories to strangers on the internet to feel better about yourself, hanging on to that last morsel of self-worth.

Well, Opie has chimed in.

Nice job catching tongue-in-cheek patronizing.

Women are typically non-confrontational, unless backed up by men (beta friends, boyfriends, etc.) Their whole lives are passive-aggressive and subversive. Any story a woman tells you where she's the brave and outspoken hero is 100% false.

god forbid that nice young man tries to do something nice for her and she embarrasses him in front of their class?! no wonder chivalry is dead.

You could easily max out this list with green haired Tumblr creatures and Fat Acceptance ham planets.

Any plans for your week of suspension?

That must've taken a lot of courage to scream during class then break down into tears in the hallway as you were sent sniveling to administration. #triumphant

Where are these people from Reddit growing up, fucking Sesame Street? In 6th grade, a girl showed a bunch of us a picture that she had in her locker of a couple with the caption "Let's eat out tonight." We were making jokes like that in fucking middle school. This chick is in college, and can't handle some shit like this? Get the fuck out of here.

Then again, unattractive chicks don't tend to be very funny, from my experience. I also really love how everyone in that thread is saying that she was bad-ass, and brave and all that shit. What these kids needed were parents that actually exposed them to the world. They have fucking panic attacks when they order pizza.

Chicks in general don't tend to be funny at all

Ya kiddin

Tl dr: I'm a tattle tale who doesn't deserve to get her box liked.

I stood up to the kid at my school who kept asking me if he could "eat me out"...

This is just bad storytelling cause I'm already on the side of the villain.

"Can I eat you out?" in my ear. At first I was simply shocked- I asked him what he said, he repeated the question, and then I told him to never ask me that question again. I sat on the bus feeling my face and hands grow hot and sweaty.

When I bent over I heard whispers, giggles, and dirty remarks coming from behind me. I immediately turned around and shot the boys a dirty look. Then, for the third time, he said... "Hey, I know I already asked you this question, but can I PLEASE eat you out?" [...] As I talked to my teacher, I couldn't get those five words out of my head.

When I got into the hallway I broke down in tears,

Look I think we all know where this is going, she's suck that kid's dick.

Clearly. Women hate how this kinda approach just works for some reason. The reason probably being women have been lying virtue signalling cunts forever

That's exactly it.

Coming on super strong, if you do it the right way, is incredibly effective when trying to get laid. Rick Shapiro said he would go up to women at bars, tell them he wants to fist fuck them, they would be outraged and walk away but then later would walk over to him and say 'I think we got off on the wrong foot'

Stupid broads

Somebody told me the other day I should check out this Rock sketch from SNL this weekend, where he plays "Scorpio." The sketch is, the Rock shows up to his work in costume to tell his co workers he's become a super hero, now famous vigilante.

The punchline for this 5 minute long travesty comes in around 1 minute and change, and the punchline is: the woman is more impressed that he made his own costume than about him fighting crime. She calls in the OTHER female employees, and they gush about his costume for the next 3 or 4 minutes. It wasn't funny to begin with, and it never gets funnier.

That's "diversity" for you. Forced diversity, bring in women writers who fucking stink and come up with awful, boring, 'safe' dreck like this and it actually makes the air. Drags the entire fucking (already awful and long D.O.A) show down, but hey, "diversity." That's the important part. Not who's the best writer, but "we need more vaginas in here with pens, because it's 2017."

My favorite joke aimed at women in movies is when the bitch makes the "I'm so over this" or "You have GOT to be kidding me" face, then she gulps the remainder of the alcoholic beverage she has in her hand.

I yelled in my LOUDEST and BRAVEST voice


Warriors yell at people so that authority figures bring them repercussions, right?

Yeah, man. The warrior spirit was always personified by throwing a temper tantrum and hoping that the authority figures take care of the problem for you. That's what the Samurai, Vikings, Huns, and Romans did.

Holy god there's 1400+ comments in that thread.

Well I guess that's what you do when your husband works and you don't. You post all day.

Notice how she didn't make up anything clever, she just threw a fit and someone else suspended the guy. If that's not the most womanly thing I've ever heard I don't know what is.

That is how weak women truly are. You are a Junior and you are getting bullied by a Freshman. When I was in school, the girl would have gotten her brother or boyfriend to beat the Freshman up. And that's how it would have been handled. I'm glad this shit didn't used to be the way it was back in the day. Because I would go up to any girl with a lolipop in her mouth and say "Yo girl, why you sucking on that lolipop when you could be sucking on this dick". I can't imagine how much trouble I would get into now for that shit.

That sub is such great evidence for how fucking worthless women are. Every thread is either abortion, "I yelled at someone today despite being shy, then I cried", or "I want more women in science! I know I only got a degree in Latino women's studies, but maybe if I let my daughter play with pink legos she'll become a NASA engineer." Yeah, that's why women suck at math, because Legos are marketed towards boys.

Someone asked if they could eat you out twice? Damn it really is just like Saudi Arabia for you.


The man just asked you simple question

The white knighting that goes on in those posts in blood boiling.