Your underlying problem with Nia is that a white crossed genes with a black. Stop pretending it's something else.

0  2017-05-25 by packitchofsositch

I cannot wait to personally murder you in this fantasy race war of yours that's never going to happen.

You're an asshole and murdering you shall be a pleasure.


really ? this is the black you defend?

Quiet man, he's on an edgy roll.

this is the black you defend?

"This is the show universe you give a shit about?"

You got us there. I wonder how I would explain my thousand of posts on this sub to a friend or family member.

"It''s a defunct radio show hosted by an idiot, a pedophile, and a scallop"

They always defend the worst among them

OMG so edgy! All hail King Edgelord!

Edge is now defined as contempt.

I'm just sick of your echo chamber, is all.

Then try harder faggot. This is terrible.

Everyone keeps telling me that. Especially on eso I can't deeps for shit apparently.

Pretty sure Billy Boy has enough money to find a cuter and nicer person.

What she lacks in "nice"-ness was created and propagated solely on this sub. Now make a french terrorism joke you slow cock suckah.

Guess my ears are playing tricks on me when I hear her on his podcast being an ass.

Your ears extremely. I'm going to repeat that word because it won't get through otherwise.


are playing tricks on you. It's because you have a ridiculous amount of bias against nigger women and particularly nigger women who carry white babies.

She's perfectly fine on the air. You're a fool. A fool who's been led to believe in differences that were contrived.

Lmfao you're projecting. She does have some good bits with Bill, but more often than not she acts like a jerk and then just brushes it off when she gets called out. Treat the waiters like should? "Teehee I've got high standards!" But naw you're right it's because she's black ok cool great job you cracked the case

Thank you honestly for a good reply. She's annoying in the same way Bonnie is meant to be annoying. Both are a good foil.

But I don't see 5 images a day about how Bonnie's annoyingness is related to a different species. So.

Yes, I know I often confuse this place for a Bonnie fan club. We just praise she and her family 24/7.

What the fuck? I guess you're mocking me by making the most ridiculous straw man argument ever?

I don't get what you're doing.

People were insulting Bonnie's retard sister so I don't get where you're argument is going

Ma'am, no matter your denial of it, blacks are kin to oxen and it is not propoganda

Those movies were the best.

She ate bills dog.

That's retarded sir.

What did you expect? She's black.

No see I meant what he said was retarded. You missed the obvious silly.

Oh you

Nothing else?

Silly fags.

oh no you didn

OP is a nigger.


Black and white people get together all the time and it doesn't bother me, honestly.

Bill's case bothers me though, for a few reasons:

  • Nia is not a good person, regardless of her skin color. She's lazy, complains too much, and seems to express no real affection for Bill. She's a shrew. I mean, it's possible she could be putting on a character of an obnoxious person and she's not really like that...but I doubt it. Why would she do that?

  • I'm like 99% percent convinced Bill married a black woman not because he loves her, but just to prove a political point. It's something he would do. I know saying "liberals are the real racists!" is beyond hacky, this really is kinda sorta a form of racism on his part.

  • I have no other points.

I'm like 99% convinced Bill married a black woman not because he loves her, but just to prove a political point. It's something he would do.

It's a fair point. But so is the assumption that what that's based on is legitimate shitty prejudice, and assholes saying "weyell Ah'd never do thayat, would djou?" "Heyell naww!"

I don't think there's any certain conclusion available. If that was the conclusion, yeah he'd be a jerkoff.

I get the joking about it but not the constant obsession. Constant obsession relays something more problematic than wanting to joke. Something more shitty.