REMINDER: Australia allied with the Nazis in WWII

53  2017-05-25 by Single_Action_Army

Don't go to Google trying to confirm this because those 'roo fuckers manipulated the facts. Just take my word for it.


We were so anti-German in both world wars that football teams who had German colours changed them during the war.



Wasn't even played extensively in our continent during the period in question ya cunt.

We are using an American website to discuss an expired American radio show using American technologies and the American language. You will call it soccer or more appropriately "cry ball".

It really is a sport for children in the USA why is the rest of the world so obsessed with it?

No worries, and let's also agree that "gridiron" is the correct name for your fully armoured, 40-men-to-a-team fagball.

Football means rugby. Or possibly AFL, if you're queer.

Jesus Christ you people are sensitive.

'You people'????

That does not make up for Jason Ellis.

Never forget, Hitler grew up in the town of Vienna, Australia. Google tries to hide the truth by changing the name slightly but we don't forget.

Hitler grew up in the town of Vienna, Australia

I love their little sausages.

Tss yea dey got lil fawkin PECKAS

I have never and will never buy their chief export: Vienna Sausages soaked in homosex yogurt.

He engineered their "white Australia" policy, which is the last good thing Australia ever did.

Strudel eating faggots.

I heard they aided the Viet Cong, too.

Multiple gooks have come forward on the matter.

Australia was the first country that voluntarily and cheeringly joined Hitler's Germany back in 1938.

Crocodile Dundee rehabilitated their image.

Steve Irwin destroyed it again when he did 9/11

Lets not forget Jacko the Energizer battery guy. Very pivotal Assuies.

We also thought the japanese were going to beat us and invade so there was a plan to simply concede the top half of the country to them. Im not trolling, this is historical fact.

I don't know, it would have been kind of cool to have a Japanese run Canada.

Is there anything in the top half of Australia?

During the war, they even made electric toilets so they would flush the same direction as they did in Germany to show solidarity. It's a fact, but it's been hidden better than the Rape of Nanking.

That's a good one you should post it to /r/standupshots

You mean the Rape of Don King

Those kangaroo fuckers gave the world Yahoo Serious too!!

Is this supposed to make me like Australia more or like them less?

So did old man Anthony Cumia, who cares.

australia is England's spare troop barracks for whenever they start getting their asses whopped byand need some meat

All of your veteran ancestors are practically slaves

Brits pulled out of south east asia and it looked like Australia was fucked. USA came in and the Aussies have always been thankful. They've been with us in every war since, even the really fucking stupid ones.

Working with Australians was a lot more comforting than some of those pacifist chocolatiers the EU sends. Ask any of your buddies who served. And they know a lot of racist words for asians

ok so they have ONE redeeming factor, big deal

Steve Irwin destroyed it again when he did 9/11

Lets not forget Jacko the Energizer battery guy. Very pivotal Assuies.