Patrice on Opie and Anthony at WNEW

1  2017-05-24 by definatvewillg

Anyone know exactly how many apperances Patrice had on O&A at WNEW, before they were at XM and Sirius?

And I would really appreciate knowing which dates, so I can locate audio.

Really appreciate it if you can help, guys. Thanks


Im pretty sure he wasn't on the show until XM.

I think you're correct. First appearance he brought in that bag of dildos but it's sounded like the boys had probably met him at gigs and what not before that. Both O&A said they were intimidated by him for the first few xm shows because they wernt to sure if he was a thug or not.

Sorry man, Vos brought him in ....

Rich Vos brings in Patrice O'Neal to O&A for the first time. Right away the bashing begins. Jack Black and Colin Hanks stop by to promote "Orange County". After that a midget gets naked and a girl wants to lose her virginity to her boyfriend. (1/11/02)

He was also in for the Norton Roast and the Vos Roast...

I'm just trying to find out when.

AHHH found it.


2002 was the St Pats thing.