Anthony is the stereotypical perpetual black victim

14  2017-05-24 by FlashVirus

  • mocks disabled babies

  • gets called out on it by someone

  • goes after that person's family

  • claims to be the victim


*loves guns and violence

*drug addict

*wastes money on dumb shit

I'm sick of you PC policemen coming in and trying to ruin a great man with your petty small mindedness. Freedom of speech means nothing if not the right to relentlessly harass defenseless children and their caretakers, shitface.

Keith should fire Anthony.

Also, wouldn't date a black woman.

Who would, am I right?

Loves free speech. Hates anyone who disagrees with him.

Anthony's hypocrisy is hilarious. He is everything he hates. I feel like he probably has some reverse Stuart Smalley moments on a regular basis.

Wait so are you saying that Anthony is a bit of an asshole?