Kooks Burritos - Have you seen this? Have you heard about this??

20  2017-05-24 by crookedmile


It's fucking food, you gruesome motherfuckers. Can a nigga get a burrito?

Heatst.com makes huffpo look normal.

Aren't they right leaning?

Yes. However, if you look at their front page and don't catch stage 4 cancer immediately, something worse than cancer is wrong with you.

I never visit their site unless it's linked here.

I agree, it's just that the comments were great. Here's the liberal lean. I couldn't tell you which one is worse.

No wonder why they closed down this burrito joint. Those are fucking tacos!

Ya'll west coasters are fucking weird. French Fries in your burritos? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

French fries are good on sandwiches, good in gyros, and good in burritos.

The California burrito is one of the greatest things to come out of San Diego.

Between that and aids, yes.

And fish tacos!

I sincerely thought this was an Onion-esque article until I saw another story on it. I am so goddamn furious right now.

The store could've just fucking ignored them honestly

Nitpicking SJW's are turning everything to crap. I hope they got to one of their culturally accredited burrito stands and get worms.

wtf now I want Trump to build a wall

I'm more annoyed at these women for not fighting back and defending their fucking livelihood. How do you dismantle your own business because a handful of nuts don't like how you learned to make a burrito? It's the ultimate forfeiture of sanity and reasoning, and gives these awful PC groups more "credibility".

fucking peckas

'a list of white-owned “appropriative” businesses began circulating online'

Grab 2 rocks and come with me.

I have a few homes, and one of them is in Portland.

Every goddamn year it's gets harder and harder to put up with that fucking city. None of you can comprehend The Virtue Signaling Olympics until you spend some time there. It's just so tryhard.

But here's the irony: my main home is a few miles from Mexico. And Portland just has INCREDIBLE food. And it's incredible food is largely because of cultural appropriation. The city of Portland has never been afraid to put a new spin on foreign food, it's what they do. That's what's so horrifying about articles like this, they're taking what's good about Portland and they're ruining it. When I'm in Mexico I never see the same level of culinary creativity that I see in Portland. I loooooove Mexican food, it's fantastic, but they don't have anything close to the variety that you can find in Portland.

Sooooo pissed about this article.

Nobody cares about how many homes you own.

It's Oregon, homes cost about a buck fifty

Dude I live in nw portland. This city is fucking insufferable. On the daily. The mercury article was unbelievable. Comparing them to colonialism.

That makes 2 of us

I remember talking to a friend about Portlandia, the year it premiered. She was worried that the show would attract snowflakes to Portland, like a moth to a flame. I think she was right.

Then again, Chuck Pahlunuik may have though the same thing, when he coined the term in Portland. 21 years ago.

Locals, natives have called it the "portlnida effect" for a couple of years. It checks out. My neighborhood is now over run with lux condos and bay area California shut dicks doing their best impersonation of what they think a portlander is. Old Portland is dead. We used to be liberals with guns. Now... not so much. Still the whitest city in America per capita last I checked. But apparently our racism is off the charts. That's why I have scotch.

I'm from the armpit of the Pacific Northwest and for the longest time it didn't feel a lot different than Portland. I used to live in NW Portland, but on the "uncool" side of the freeway, just east of St Johns.

Not sure why you were down-voted. Eugene is a whole different set of problems, but still pretty nice

Portland the anus of America.

Give me money.

Well look at Mr. Humble Brag.

Burrito outrage should be reserved for when it induces toxic diarrhea.

Can we ban Chinamen from cooking burgers? Mexicans can't work in Italian restaurants? Well, of course THEY can do what they want. What dog shit

How about if they just hired the Mexicans to make the food but profited from it. That's not cultural appropriation is it?

Kinda makes me want a burrito.

It's called synthesis. Cultures meet and then begin taking things from the other, but putting their own spin on it. It's an extremely positive thing.

Uber-progressives have come full circle regarding the melting pot of integration. Out of which is the creation of a conglomerated, [medium priced,] MONGREL class of [local eatery].

More shitty food,now.