Why do radio hosts never say we should kick muslims out and not let them in the country

0  2017-05-24 by Lilcumia

Listening to Jim and Ron speak about terrorism it feels they know what the cause is but never come out and say muslims shouldn't be in uk/usa for the safety of the country. Sam rightfully acknowledges the media doesn't mention Islam and that they should, however sticks with 'its just radicals.' Thats great Sam. Lets wait for the next one. Gail B sympathiezes with muslims and thinks they should be allowed in. Nick D blames muslims and probably does have audio saying they shouldn't be allowed in. Stern same as Nick. I just found it odd that on talk radio you rarely here 'we should deport them' with all the other 'edgy' shit they say.


They want to keep their jobs?

They're not sociopaths

Whoa, Gail is hardly a radio host. She just came out of the right dick. Ron knows he's be stuck financially for life supporting that no taken, fat twat and her homerun pie addiction if he didn't get her some type of gig at Sirius

Really, You fags like Gail around here?

Listen to Stern's 9/11 show.

Actual deportation is 100 times as extreme as just stopping more coming in. The former essentially involves putting a gun to someone's head.

They come from dogshit, poverty stricken, extremely violent countries, putting a gun to their head would be like a normal day to them