Bill Burr calls out Ant's Seinfeld racism

4  2017-05-24 by dweebgoose


Holy shit those comments are cancer. Bunch of upset fags. Meanwhile in the clip, Ant isn't trying to be funny. Just talking about disproportion and "my opened eyes".

That's all he ever talks about nowadays.

my opened eyes

Trying to compensate for something? Could there be a little Asian blood in the Cumia line?

Burr whining about racism for a change.. No surprise there.

Gotta keep the wifey ape happy.

fuck that dog abandoning cuck.

Wait, that's what you have against Bill?

well he is a pissy hypocrite

It's a shame that Bill was only one of a handful of people that would call Anthony out when he would go on with his horseshit. If only he left the safety of his McMansion once in a while, not surrounded by his mutant pals, the last black person he would've seen wouldn't be the one that kicked his ass and made him ruin his own career.

Cellar crowd = down vote

You must not be a part of the movement