I never liked Nick Di Paolo's republican spaghetti flinger routine

0  2017-05-24 by TinKnockinMoroccan

but I realize he didn't mean anything personally. everything that comes out of that moors mouth is meant to be a joke.


There aren't enough Liberal comedians out there.

Seriously, can they let right wingers have even one?

Righty has Dennis Miller, Nick DiPaolo, and... and...

Yeah, I'm into the more hip stuff like Patton Oswalt talking about Star Trek like it's greater than pussy and his witty Lord of Rings references and so forth.

Conservatives in general aren't funny. Much like women. Nick's fine if he isn't being overly political.

Can you people at least acknowledge your political bias instead of saying that as if it's a fact?

I don't think Patton Oswalt is funny, because I disagree with him (and he killed his wife).

I think Nick DiPaolo is funny when he mocks liberals, because I agree with him and think he's witty.

What do you mean acknowledge political bias? Nobody goes around acknowledging their political bias all the time. If you don't like anything Patton or anyone else does because you disagree politically, you are a giant fag.

Again, I like Nick (and Ant) when they're not incessantly whining about liberals and hypocrisy, maaahhn.

I mean you like to pretend it is somehow objectively not funny, when in reality you're just blinded by disagreement.

I don't find Patton funny, period. But I'm not stupid enough to act like it's an objective truth.