Young Turks - could be IRA, maybe to do with upcoming election. No mention of muslim.

21  2017-05-24 by Lilcumia


CNN also was saying it could be a right-wing trick.

That was way more insane than The Young Turks, named after a fascist Muslim genocidal youth group, once again running to the defense of Islam.

CNN, a major and trusted news organization, literally implied it was a conspiracy against the left and Islam.

Did you see that hot blonde literally scream at a guest the other day for doubting CNN's sources?


Was it Brooke Baldwin? She may legitimately be the dumbest person in news.

The IRA who haven't bombed anywhere in 20 years.

Didn't they disband when Tony Blair was Prime Minister?

Yeah. The Good Friday Agreement was signed which basically gave more power to the Northern Irish to govern themselves and loads of terrorists were released from prison to appease both sides.

The IRA still exist but merely to provide punishment beatings and smuggling these days.

At the risk of repeating yesterday's fagathon, they fractured somewhat into the Continuity IRA, The Real IRA and the I Can't Believe It's Not The IRA etc (but they have VERY little popular support). Similarly, they were allowed to self-assess the decommissioning of their weapons: "Now Paddy, have you REALLY melted down all those guns?" "Yes" "Really?" "On me mam's life. So it is" "OK then."

To be fair, the tattooed thugs on the other side (UVF, UFF, UDA and top seventies funsters The Red Hand Gang) were offered much the same deal.

As decmg points out, they now limit themselves to smuggling petrol, selling various drugs to their respective populations, and kneecapping rival dealers.

If anyone is really REALLY interested in the historical stuff, I can't recommend this enough as a starting point:

Depressing stuff, mind.

thanks for the doc, guvnah

And largely attacked government targets and somewhat places of business they opposed. And often warned civilians. And didn't want teen girls to die because they didn't come from a culture of honor killings and child-brides.

The fucking IRA? They really are some of the most people alive

Or is this the IRA? I thought it was the UK

Or juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust anooooooooooooother country

The young Turks are fucking garbage. Anyone who listens to them is garbage. Unlistenable garbage.

Insert a "say garbage again faot" below this comment.

Remember when Bobby Lee was blaming Christian homophobia on the Orlando attack?

Cenk doesn't like genocide unless it involves the Ottoman Empire and Armenian Christians. Fat Muslim faggot

The IRA? You might as well suggest it was the French. And he said it wearing a baseball cap.

Beyond anything else they're just oblivious.

Also, that girl was so unprofessional. 'Apparently there was some blood, people drop their phones, yada yada, buncha fatalities maybe'. She was just listing shit on Twitter without any thought of what she was saying.

What a bunch of willfully ignorant fucks.

Remember this, anytime someone in media mentions the IRA after a bombing in England in the year 2017, they have an agenda to distract.

I grew up in a tourist town. Every bag left by a dumb fuck American got blown up. I wanted that job as a kid. I miss the IRA ( and agree with their Ireland is Irish view)

It was probably one of my bags. I drunkenly left a fanny pack (yes, one of those) on a Brit rail I was taking from Brighton to Arundel.

Fanny means cunt here. Next time you come over here call it your cunt bag

Well, I was a cunt for having one. I remember once being on a ferry and some "lads" got in a football like chant, "No surrender to the IRA". It was charming.

Prefer the no, no Pope of Rome No chapels to sadden my eyes No nuns and no priests No Rosary beads Every day is the 12th of July chant myself. Little bit of history in my anti Catholic chants just class it up a bit

I attended a Guy Fawkes night in Lewes. They literally blew up an effigy of a Pope. It was awesome. I'm sure the event is banned now.

No. Still goes on strong. They throw in pop culture people too though

"we killed one, we killed two, we killed 14 more than you! With a nick nack paddywhack give the dog a bone, paras 14 provos none" is a statistically accurate and historical favourite, I believe.


The Saudi Arabians weren't funding them enough?

The good news is that everyone sees through their bullshit, any explosion these days that includes deaths like this is 99.9% radical islam related, their nonsense will sink them as they slowly go into obscurity.