Mary Jean is a fuckin loser who thinks somehow Jim And Sam are going to help her get famous

0  2017-05-24 by pta11

This fuckin ugly tranny looking niglet has no friends.A Dominican cunt like her would never speak to guys like jim and sam if it wasnt for their radio show.Fuck her im glad shes a lonley cat person who guys dump after they fuck.She actually thinks she can choose to be with any guy she wants.A retired porn star who is dominican and lives in washington heights thinks she has options


She actually thinks she can choose to be with any guy she wants.

Actually delusional enough to think you'd be in that mix. Who cares, I get if you don't like her but jeez, why you're panties bunched up.

i fuck white girls im 32 and am currently banging a 19 year old white girl.Y would i try to be with a domincan hooker fuckface.

No one believes you. You can go the route and respond with "I don't care if you believe me" but it doesn't change the fact everyone now thinks you're a faggot for lying about what is obviously an untrue story about banging a teen girl.

Fuck my life is over the posters on here think im a fag.Its over for me

Your the one who those those same people would be impressed by saying that. You're a fucking child.

Go whiteknight her im sure she would want to fuck you.You do realize shes a hooker and all you have to do is pay her.Its not my fault your a virgin and dont believe theres guys out there that can actually fuck girls without having to pay for it.

No one is whiteknighting you unbalanced minority lover. I merely pointed out that

a. It's funny to think you'd be one of the people she'd pick, b. You're overly upset about someone appearing on a radio show.

Nowhere am I defending her as a person. You have provided zero legitimacy or understanding to why you are so bent out of shape about it and rightly so called out on your bullshit. I would presume the answer being deep seeded racism. Because everything you said initially, is batshit irrational.

Lol fuckin liberal fag go let a pack of muslim refugees gangbang all the women in your family.I critised some fuckkin slut and you have to call racism you fuckin bitch.Fuck mary jean and fuck you and your lefty thoughts go suck a dick so you can show how progressive and enlighted you are

So let it go and move on if it's that meaningless.

Go suck your fathers cock and then go dig up your granny and fuck her in her eye socket

Tell us how you really feel!

Google 'Mary Jane pornstar'... she doesn't even make the first 2 pages...

Probably because you're spelling her name wrong dipshit.

Alrite Mary... sorry

Oh you could take being wrong like a fucking man.

The bullying against Dominican members of our community is getting out of hand.

whooooooaaaa, you're angry!