"I have someone close to me whos transgender. Its a hard thing to go through and I've evolved on the issue. Its not just a boy and a girl there's a spectrum. Theres a lot of stuff in between" new nick dipaolo

5  2017-05-24 by Lilcumia

Whats the stuff inbetween'?


Mental health issues and ugliness.



Nick sold out, there's no way he believes that nonsense.

hes trying to not get firef

Well then he should say that

Exactly, he sold out.

well since none of us pay him a salary. Id say it was the right thing. Its not like hes pulling a burr

More like, he bought in.

Ok, Charlamagne.

What ever happened to a good ol' fashioned man who occasionally sucks another man's hot, juicy cock every once in a while?

We all know it's unnatural but don't speak out about it. But IT IS. now let the snowflake ON THIS SUB show themselves with their justifications.

There are actual genetic/biological abnormalities that result in people who can't be classified as either sex.

For example, there are people with XY chromosomes (male) that are unable to metabolize androgens (complete androgen insensitivity syndrome). Despite their XY chromosomes, they look female and have a vagina. Males with 5-alpha-reductase deficiency (the enzyme which turns testosterone into DHT) who have similar issues.

There are also people with XXX, XXY, XXXY, etc. chromosomes that have differing complications because of it.

And many more.

Or we can just let the scientifically illiterate show themselves with their lack of justifications.

So what would happen if I was born with both a pecka and a cootah and I stuck my big fawken pecka in my own cootah

I'd say send my your age, stats, location, pics

The exception proves the rule.

There are actual genetic/biological abnormalities that result in people who can't be classified as either sex.

We don't say that the number of limbs people have is "on a spectrum" because there are mutants out there with birth defects. A freak is a freak, not a new standard to measure by.

They died of aids

Hey!..enough of that fresh talk.

flesh toilets

the consistent posts on this sub about this topic. Naturalization acceptance. CLOCKWORK ORANGE. Godddamn weak fucks! It's not normal nor natural! Balls gone in this sub.

I'm sure his callers would enjoy hearing that and kindly agree with him

It's Jim Morton

This is mainly a problem of semantics. What is true is that there are people who unfortunately think and feel an 'energy' dofferent from the physiological sex. As in they may feel feminine even though they have a male body. For some this may be so uncomfortable that they get a sex change even with all the stigma againsts them..

Now if that being a spectrum thing or natural or whatever is really up to you.

If you have a male body you are a male.

So what would happen if I was born with both a pecka and a cootah and I stuck my big fawken pecka in my own cootah

The exception proves the rule.

There are actual genetic/biological abnormalities that result in people who can't be classified as either sex.

We don't say that the number of limbs people have is "on a spectrum" because there are mutants out there with birth defects. A freak is a freak, not a new standard to measure by.