(CLIP -- 5/23/2017) Jim & Sam address the Jason Ellis vs. Nick Di Paolo drama

36  2017-05-23 by braunheiser


You're the fucking man Braun

Thanks ya mug... I have to go do some things so maybe someone else will get the next parts up (if there are any today) if not I'll get whatever Ellis / Nick say next tonight

Ant will probably talk about it.

Before I listen, should I brace myself for "Middle of the Road Jimmy?"

Yes. And it makes me sick.

When will Jim realise that no one likes safe pc Jim? He has this cocksucking tone to his voice when he's treading carefully.

It's no wonder people genuinely prefer Chip over him these days.

Ummm Jim Norton is a fucking millionaire for being Middle of the Road Jimmy. Five years from now he'll still be on Sirius, and Opie and Anthony will not.

I know his milquetoast opinions are infuriating, but they're in his best interests.

its good that his euro shows are all sold out huh

yeah. I couldn't even make it five minutes in.

those deep half breaths before starting a sentence with "what he probably meant was..." and "I don't think he..." and a quick "maybe I'm wrong" thrown in every once in a while

inhales deeply] "That's a tough one man..."

Barely made it 3 minutes, Middle of the Road Jimmy is enraging. Sniffing and carefully choosing his words.

Yeah man, it's tough

-Brendan Schaub?

The lip smack kiiiieeeeeed.

Jim did stand with Nic at least and gave Ellis shit on using cowboy's reaction as a reason to be upset and Sam even said he jealous Ellis seems triggered.

Fence riding is a bigger sin than sodomy JIM!

It's sad how dead o&a is. No more anger or meanness, just politics, wrestling, porn stars and playing it safe

If OnA was still around Jims take would be different

yeah man its difficult take it one day at a time

Fucking stupid Sam makes another smart-ass/veiled shot at Tits. I hate Tits as much as the next guy, but Sam is so much fucking worse. He can hate Tits as much as he wants, but drop the fuck dead Sam. Get fucking Jimmy away from him because Jim's show sucks because of that cunt Sam.

I like Sam when he's chatting with the Chippah. Opie would just take his cocksucking camera out to try and get a viral video.

idk what this sam faggot said but hes a backstabbing faggot, he fucked scotch over and now dopie, he will fuck over jim soon


Braunie, will you do a full compilation of this in a few weeks when all of this is over? I can't be bothered to find all of these clips.

I have a playlist going for it https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-fjt7LgQx784FF82RejR_6lOuZOU1OqF

Ellis hasn't said anything on his show about it yet to my knowledge, it might end up finishing with what we have but we'll see

Nice, thanks.

It may have been more subtle than we'd like, but they made Ellis sound like the 60 year old fainting faggot he is.

haha remember how enraged that faggot morton was when jason took over the channel

HOLY NEANDERTHAL MONKEY that Sam Roberts is an unfunny fuck.

but hes so ironic!!!!

I don't care that Jason Ellis is half gay, but he really needs to stop acting like such a faggot.

"Mary Jean has arrived."

Good lord, this show is like a parody of itself.

wait till rose aniggerfucker shows up

"Hey you wanna hang around while Rory McDonald comes in to talk about his last fight??"

Ellis clearly lied, first he tried to call into Nicks show and couldn't get through, then realized it made the show sound popular, then changed it to, they hung up on me.

Ant will probably talk about it.

yeah man its difficult take it one day at a time