Making constant references to movies isn't inherently annoying..

6  2017-05-23 by Single_Action_Army

Making reference to the same 5 fucking movies without even creatively applying the quotes is.
"He was bangin' cocktail waitresses two at-


you don't think the references are funny or relevant ?

t particularly.

But he did it for the money


The only references worth making come from a defunct xm radio show starring 3 elderly homosexuals.

Relax, will ya? Ya flip right out, what's got into you? We're breaking your balls a little bit, that's all. We're kidding with ya

Doesn't the "WE GET IT" come from the show? So in a are also quoting something . You know when you point a finger at someone ya got three pointing back at yourself.

Go home and getcha shinebox or sumptin. dvv dvv peckahs.

What am i like polishing a cooter er sumtin? Just chippin ya babe...

I don't think the show would have maintained its relevance without referencing popular movies like 'The Caine Mutiny'.

Oh yah? Is it reasonable? chuckles to self

Life move pretty fast, if you don't track your pizza, you might miss it.

Remember when you were in Homosexual Camp.....