I don't have words for this faggot

17  2017-05-23 by TonyFromLongIsland


its times like these where i wonder where my allegiance lies

Don't worry In times like these you have to realize you are a DOER! Go out there and make choices. If they don't work out SO WHAT! Pick that allegiance bro!

Against the "jehhhhh"

Should be cleaning up blood and brain matter. Someone's gonna slip and hurt themself.

Its too bad he missed her last show.

Fawkin cryin when he was typin and shiznit

What made him worthy of getting a name verification on Twitter?

He was a very popular league of legends YouTube for a while

Yeah, but if people who post YouTube videos get verified everyone should be verified. Like the big homie Bobo.

Erik Nagel isn't even verified

For 2 grand anyone can get verified.

I doubt he has a spare 2 Gs.

Of course he was

a very popular league of legends YouTube

The end of the world can't come soon enough.

I think almost anyone can be verified these days.

He's tweeting at every single reply he gets, dude seems unhinged. People addicted to social media lack awareness and are addicted to the serotonin boost they get from the attention they receive.

Yeah its like this Sky person's head is way up in the clouds.

Or sumthin.

He has like a gay Obama voice.

Is he saying Stan's? I don't get it.

Eminem had a song about a deranged stalker fan named Stan, who kills his pregnant girlfriend by driving off a bridge. The word has become slang for any devoted fan, but hopefully this guy will follow in Stan's footsteps.

This fella is all over the place. He went on Sargon of Akkad's livestream and repeated the 14 words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyVbtTs3G7M

He also got some fame for speaking out against that video MTV put out about new year's resolution for white people in 2017.



He is cringey as fuck.

I am glad this twitter shit passed me by

I have a hunch that 99% of people -professionals, public figures, or average folk- who get invested in twitter and post on it on a semi regular basis utterly regret getting involved and would go back and never do so if they could

Why can't they?


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I would dip my cock in broken glass and fuck his throat

I bet this guy is going to bang the shit out of Arianna Grande.

Her gay brother most definitely.

Huh? Who? Who is Ariana grande? What?

Who? Huh?

She makes songs for teen girls about fucking

I hope this guy is as big a fan as Bjork's stalker.

Shut up, Sky... The world was not waiting for your take on all this.

Are we sure no one was killed being trampled as people walked over them? Might be a little early to be calling the fans compassionate.

How hard is it for these retards to just shut the fuck up? Seriously, what an attention grabbing piece of shit.



I don't know what you expect when you name your kid Sky. Of course he's a raving queen.

The worst thing about social media is how it's turned everybody into their own press secretaries. Everyone has to give a fucking statement. It's nauseating. Nobody gives a fuck what Kelly Clarkson thinks about terrorism. It's even worse when it's not even a famous person, it's some stupid fuck you went to highschool with.

"Well, I'd better address the nation. Everyone's waiting to hear from me on this issue." GO FUCK YOUR MOTHER. SHIT.

" Be the change you want to see"

Changes profile background

I bet she sent him direct messages after this. They will be dating soon. It's a real life love story! Fucking beige knighting faggot

He is the reason she has a security team around her always.

I cannot figure out if she is hot. Obviously, she is a pretty girl, but she just look so fucking young it is uncomfortable. Perfect for AntH, but she is odd to me.

What, you don't have the urge to bite her?

Any videogamedunkey video he's in stinks because of him