Boy, it must be tough making jokes about the same person every night for months

5  2017-05-23 by BrianGilgoresDJ


What an absolutely moronic title

Anyone that's watched 2 minutes of Colbert's show knows what he really thinks of Donald Trump.

Colbert's face looks so punchable, he always has such a dumb expression. I'll never understand the monster ratings late night talk shows get, it seems like a bygone era to me probably due to my age group. But on top of that it seems like nothing new is being offered, it's just appealing to a philosophically unprincipled Democratic base that just likes to laugh at anyone with an R in front of their name. DRUMPF!!11!!

Jon Stewart was another overrated guy that seemed to bomb miserably when his writers went on strike. For all the talk about these comedy pundits being geniuses they were actually remarkably uncreative. Jon would just say something stupid and give a dumb look in the camera when everyone laughed and clapped like sea lions. Not only this but a study showed a very significant portion of the voting population were only going to comedy sources for their political news. How fucking uninformed can one get?

The libs go insane for him because like most other TV personalities hes full of hot takes on Trump (believe it or not, hes actually AGAINST Trump, shocker I know) but with Colbert he just throws all respect for the president right out the window and since he curses people love it. Much like Amy Schumer and her smelly cunt jokes.

They are actively trying to get Trump out of the office. It hasn't been about fun or creativity for a long time. It's pure treason at this point.

The Seth Rich case is about to be solved. With the DNC imploding, the mainstream media will be reduced to headless chickens.

That is why they have thrown everything overboard and are relentlessly attacking the Trump Administration with one unsourced garbage after another.

Lots of sincerely offended fags in this thread.

this president is the gift that keeps on giving for comedians

Genuine Hack.......